Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Copy semarchy.xml
cp /etc/tomcat8/Catalina/localhost/semarchy.xml /tmp/semarchy.xml
Edit semarchy.xml
vim /tmp/semarchy.xml
Validate you have everything backed-up

Don't forget to back up your changes before you start editing semarchy.xml. For example, you could create a "backup" directory in the home folder and then back up like this:

cp /tmp/semarchy.xml ~/backups/semarchy-YYYY-MM-DD.xml

Or you can add semarchy.xml to your organization's version control system (e.g. Github) to track the changes. 

Alert ALL Users you are bringing Semarchy down for a few minutes 

You have to stop Tomcat and restart it for the new changes to semarchy.xml to take effect.

Note: advanced users are welcome to re-deploy just the Semarchy app rather than restarting Tomcat completely. Use the Tomcat Manager UI (or even command line management of tomcat). In the interest of simplicity we have not documented these alternatives.

Stop Tomcat
service tomcat8 stop
Replace the existing semarchy.xml file with your newly modified version
cp /tmp/semarchy.xml /etc/tomcat8/Catalina/localhost/semarchy.xml 
Start Tomcatservice tomcat8 start
Rinse and repeat for your other environmentsWarning: check you choose the correct Data Location type in the Workbench for QA and PROD
