Large organizations that have multiple operations in different regions and countries will need to decide whether to share a global Semarchy xDM model that is used across the organization or whether each region should create a localized model. There are tradeoffs for each option.

Semarchy is not able to provide a general recommendation for whether you should use a global model or create a localized model for your region. Each organization will need to decide based on their business requirements. However, we can encourage you to consider the tradeoffs so you can determine which model is right for you.

What Are the Factors to Consider for Global vs. Local?

What Is a Global Model?

Your organization has 1 model that all countries and regions use. Developers in every country will access the same model. Tight controls in model privilege grants are required to display information to specific business users for each region.

The Pros of a Global Model

The Cons of a Global Model

Who Is a Good Candidate For a Global Model?

What Is a Local Model?

There is a localized model for different countries and/or different regions. For example, there is a North America model that is related to but separate from the EU model.

The Pros of a Local Model

The Cons of a Local Model

Who Is a Good Candidate For Local Models?

How to Get Started

If you don’t know where to start after reading this document, consider the resources your organization has for answering the regionality question of global vs. local models. How much central control vs. decentralized control does your organization want to support? How well would a global model work? Does the Japan organization require custom attributes? Does the South America region require customizations? Does China want to model entities differently?

Semarchy’s suggestion is to go with the default of reusing the same model across all regions. Meaning stick with a single global model. The IT time savings is significant to only have to manage and maintain one global model. But stick with a single global model if a localized model is appropriate for certain regions. Be flexible.