Semarchy xDM release notes

Semarchy xDM release notes

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Welcome to Semarchy xDM.
This document provides the latest information about this Semarchy xDM Release, including new features and bug fixes.



Semarchy xDM version 4 introduces a new way to look at master data management. Based on the Google Material Design Language, a brand new interface drives an unparalleled user experience. Simplicity and responsive design powers ease-of-use for faster business value and adoption. Advanced collaboration, match and merge, enhanced survivorship capabilities and guided data authoring enable data stewards to support the most complex data management patterns. Graph analytics, interactive search capability, and RESTful Web Services deliver better navigation and interoperability for the most agile MDM solution in the world.

Semarchy xDM Version 4.4 Highlights

PostgreSQL Certification

This release introduces the certification for PostgreSQL as a database platform for storing both the repositories and data locations, on-premises or in the cloud. PostgreSQL supports all the features of Semarchy xDM to manage, browse or author your data in all your environments: development, test or even production.

Filtering Child and Embedded Collections

All data collections, including child transition as well as embedded collections, can now be filtered. Designers can select for each of these collections the search methods available: built-in forms, full-text, advanced, SemQL, or user-defined search forms.
Anywhere business users can browse a list of records, they can also search and filter this list.

Table-Based Duplicates Management

Data stewards used to work with the graph to manage the duplicates and suggestions in Semarchy xDM can now use an alternate table view to handle larger and more complex duplicate groups and suggestions. This new view supports additional features such as filtering, sorting and columns selection, to accelerate the duplicates management decision-making process.

Other Changes

  • A new Date datatype replaces DateTime to manage date-only values.

  • Improved UI for the Date Picker component used to configure dates in applications or to author date and timestamp fields.

  • A new Markdown Component is available for String and LongText attributes to display and author (with preview) attributes containing rich-text content.

  • Improved tooltips on table cells when browsing collections.

  • A new ViewType SemQL attribute returns the current view being manipulated (GD, MD, etc).

  • A new List View is available to browse large Application Folders.

  • A new quick search bar appears on application folders to filter large folder contents.

  • Built-in Search Form improvements: Search fields are reorganized and grouped, and a quick search bar allows filtering these search fields.

  • Value from the User Profile are now available as V_USER_* variables in SemQL.

  • Continuous Loads can be named and addressed by their name to make integration flows independent from the deployment environment.

  • Mass-update now supports reference selection using the reference selection dialog in addition to the autocomplete.


Version 4.3


The new hierarchical tree view component allows browsing the most complex data structures using business views. Business users can now use these hierarchies to navigate their charts of accounts, product families, corporate organization structures, or any other hierarchical data set.

The tree view is simply configured in the model by the model designer and provides advanced capabilities to drive the entire appearance of the hierarchy by the data.

The hierarchical tree view complements the graph view, adding a new way to intuitively browsing data in the MDM hub.

Data Historization and History Browsing

This new release introduces an automated mechanism to historize golden and master data for all entities. Model designers can configure historization for new or existing entity in order to trace every record change, creation, update or deletion.

Once historization is configured, MDM Applications allow business users to:

  • Browse the hub at any point in the past, viewing data as it was before.

  • Review the full history of changes for a given record.

Using this feature, data architects can use the MDM hub as a safe storage for all data changes, and as a single point of truth for data traceability, available for both applications and business users. The MDM hub becomes a central point in the enterprise data architecture where the history of all critical data assets is preserved for compliance purposes.

Matched Records Improved Authoring & Delete

Fuzzy and ID matched entities, used to store data matched and consolidated from various source applications, now support the following extended authoring capabilities:

Golden Authoring Improvements

Matched records now support golden data mass-update and import, automatically handling the differences between records created solely in the MDM hub and those consolidated from upstream systems.

Business users modifying consolidated golden records in the MDM application can use a new Value Picker component to select surviving values from the master records.

With these features, every consolidation and authoring pattern, even the most complex can be configured by model designers and made available to business users in a simple UX.

Author on Behalf of Publishers

Data stewards can now create, update, mass-update and import master records as well as fix errors on behalf of upstream applications (a.k.a. publishers), submitting them to matching and consolidation as if the new records or the changes were submitted by the upstream applications themselves.

Using this feature, stewards can proactively create or fix records in an interim period, until the upstream applications provide these records or fixes. They can also use this feature to perform ad-hoc data loads from source systems.


Data stewards and business users can perform physical (hard) and logical (soft) delete on consolidated golden records, possibly propagating these deletes to related records (e.g.: delete all contacts when an organization is deleted). Deletes automatically propagates to master as well as historical data automatically, yet keeping track of the delete operations.

With this feature, the MDM hub becomes the central point in the enterprise data architecture, from which users trigger critical data deletion and propagate these deletions to downstream applications, in a secure and trusted environment supporting all compliance requirements.

PostgreSQL Support Preview

The support for PostgreSQL is available as a Preview. All Semarchy xDM schemas (repositories as well as data locations) can now be installed in this database engine.

Other Changes

  • The Filter Panel now supports pressing ENTER from a search field to immediately apply a filter.

  • User can use the Density preference in an application to make the browsing experience more compact, to accommodate smaller screens.

  • A new application property is available to configure the Application Title Color.

  • Image Library now supports importing one or multiple image files into a selected image library.

  • The Purge is improved to cover all data location and repository artifacts, including canceled jobs. The purge schedule for a data location is moved to this data location in the Administration view.

  • Workflow transitions now support an Enable Delete property to enable record deletion into the next task’s stepper.

  • Containers in forms can be named like tabs and sections.

  • The Workbench now prompts for Unsaved Editors when validating or deploying a model.

  • The form editor now supports a Form Preview in a separate view, allowing side-by-side editing and preview.

  • A new Managing Duplicates Using SQL and Publishing Record Deletions chapters in the Semarchy xDM Integration Guide explain advanced integration patterns.

  • A new appendix in Semarchy xDM SemQL Reference Guide lists all views and attributes available in SemQL.

Version 4.2



Customers using Semarchy xDM using version 3.x and 4.x can now upgrade to this release. Wizards assist designers upgrading their version 3.x data entry and duplicate management workflows to the new steppers, duplicate managers, and workflows.

Redesigned Duplicates Management UX

The Duplicate Management UX (user experience) has been redesigned and now uses a Graph-based Approach. Using the graph, data stewards can quickly understand the match pairs, groups, suggestions, the merge process and its outcome. They can intuitively confirm, split or merge matching groups, as well as accept, reject or modify suggestions made by the match engine.

The new simplified user experience for duplicate management is built to help data stewards understand and deal quickly with the most complex match and merge situations, increasing significantly their productivity.

Value Survivorship and Override

The consolidators (defining the rules to merge multiple master records into a single golden record) are extended and become Survivorship Rules. Survivorship includes both Consolidation (to merge data into golden records) and Override, allowing users to apply possible overrides on top of the consolidated data.

The survivorship rules allow implementing simply the pattern into which users fix consolidated values and/or create directly golden records in matching entities, without having to implement complex matching and consolidation rules.

With survivorship, combining the MDM consolidation and centralized hub styles become simpler for the hub designer. Creating or modifying data in these patterns becomes simple and seamless for the data stewards and business users.

Matching Entities Authoring

This release supports authoring for all types of entities: Basic, ID and fuzzy matched. The authoring experience uses the Steppers for both data creation, authoring and override. Authoring automatically adapt to the capabilities made available by the application designer and the connected user privileges.

Semarchy xDM provides a comprehensive, guided, simple and consistent authoring experience that serves business users and data stewards alike in all hub styles.

Many to Many Relation Creation

Records materializing a many to many relation have now a specific interface (configure in the steppers) to simplify their creation. Users select items in the related entity, and the many to many records are automatically created.

Other Changes

  • New Survivorship Rule replaces and extends the consolidators with an override rule defining how users can replace consolidated values by authoring the golden records.

  • Business Views are now moved under the entities. Existing business views are moved under their root entity.

  • New Duplicate Manager object allows defining the user experience for duplicate management actions.

  • Duplicate Detection can now be configured and triggered as validations in steppers and steps. With these validations, records similar to a record being created are detected and suggested as a replacement.

  • Forms are enhanced with a Label Width property on tabs, sections, and containers, which applies to all fields within the container.

  • The Create Application Components wizard is now enhanced to support the artifacts introduced in this version, and support selecting or creating an existing display card, collection, and table.

  • Documentation properties are added in in entity attributes, complex types' definition attributes, references, matching and survivorship rules. These documentation properties support the Markdown syntax for rich text. Documentation provides detailed information to end-users using the generated application.

Version 4.1


Collaborative Workflows

Semarchy xDM introduces entirely redesigned workflows. There workflows support pervasive collaborative features, including guide authoring using steppers, email notification based on workflow events or time events. They also support rich task assignment rules.

Hard and Soft Delete

Deletion is not supported for basic entities. Physical (Hard) and Logical (Soft) delete mechanisms are supported, as well as deletion cascade or prevention through references.

Reference Selection using Collections

The authoring experience has been enhanced to support reference selection using more details popup dialogs in addition to the lightweight auto-complete UI component.

Version 4.0


Basic Entities

Semarchy xDM supports a new Basic Entity type dedicated to centralized authoring and reference data. Using basic entities, designers provide their users with a simpler authoring experience and faster data certification.

Applications Design

Application design has been entirely reviewed, with the capability to brand and dynamically customize the application rendered to business users.

Applications now support branding with a logo, avatar and cover image.

Application Folders now organize Application Actions. These actions perform operations such as browsing data, opening an URL or the user profile, create new data, etc. The Navigation Drawer is added to the application to provide shortcuts to application actions and folders.

Browsing Experience Design

The entity display name is now replaced by multiple Display Cards, with support for multiple texts, images and avatar picture customized using SemQL. The display cards are the base component to show entity record in forms, grid, lists and tables.

The forms use a new layout engine based on Flex, with support for Multiple Tabs, Sections and Embedded Collections. Collectionsreplace table views and provide list, grid and table appearances to display sets of records. Forms and collections use the entirely redesigned set of rich Components to render/author data into forms fields and tables cells.

Business Views replace both business objects and business object views, simplifying and accelerating application design.

Components, business views, form, and collections now support data-driven configuration and styling. By using SemQL in form, tables, and components properties, designers can finely drive the user experience contextually by the data.

Authoring Experience with Steppers

Steppers are added to entities to define clusters of records for authoring, as well as wizard-like sequences of steps that drive the user through the authoring flow. Action Sets are also added to entities to define groups of operations (creating new records, editing record, etc) available on business views.

Material Design Meets MDM

The applications, entirely generated from the browsing and authoring experience design, now use an entirely rewritten user interface and experience, based on Google’s Material Design. This new user experience uses a highly graphical approach, supported by a built-in Image Library where designers can store and manage icon and image assets used in applications.

These applications provide intuitive browsing using business views, forms, and collections. Based on the browsing experience design, forms now have an automatically generated Overview sidebar. They also have a Documentation Side Navigation, which provides details, changes history (Timeline) and consolidated value explanation (Value) for any field.

Applications provide simpler and intuitive UX for filtering, support built-in search methods as well as search forms, and allowing to save/load and share filters. The application Global Search Configuration defined how to search through multiple business views from a search engine-like page.

The authoring experience is simplified by a Direct Authoring approach guided by steppers, which removes the need for workflow design and run-time overhead.

Application users - business users and data stewards - gain access to an Inbox which provides them with a simplified view of their operations in progress or completed. Similarly, they can customize and manage all their preferences in a specific User Profile page.

Integration & Core Changes
  • Data Editions and data branches are removed, simplifying the deployment and data location management operations.

  • Post-Consolidation validations are no longer rejecting golden records, but flag them in error instead.

  • A new REST API simplifies integration for querying and loading data into the MDM hub.

Version 3.3

Semarchy xDM 3.3 introduces new features for companies to design and use value-driven master data applications. This version enhances the core MDM platform capabilities with matching on related entities, enrichment-validation-matching as a service, continuous loads, and SemQL ID generation.


Matching on Child and Parent Entities

This version improves the match and merge capabilities of Semarchy. With this update to the matcher, designers can automate matching records using related (parent and child) records. For example, match 2 stores using fuzzy logic on the name, parent company and manager name, or match two contacts when one of their emails matches exactly.

With this major enhancement, Semarchy xDM lets you use all the relations from the hub to increase the accuracy of your match and merge rules.

Enrichment, Validation, Matching as a Service

The web service interface for integration, generated from the logical model in Semarchy xDM, makes complete use of the rules stored in the model and enables integration architects to run enrichment, validation and matching rules against data that is being integrated into the MDM hub. The web service also supports validating records in dry runs, without actually modifying data in the hub.

This guarantees the perfect quality of the data integrated into the MDM hub through the web service interface. Via this feature, a third-party system can leverage the MDM platform as a provider of data enrichment, standardization, quality and de-duplication services.

Continuous Loads

Continuous loads enable integration developers to push data into the MDM hub in a continuous way without having to take care of Load Initialization or Load Submission. At regular intervals, Semarchy xDM automatically processes data loaded in the continuous loads.

This new feature dramatically simplifies and accelerates low-latency data integration flows targeting the MDM hub.

SemQL ID Generation

The generation of the source and golden IDs is now reorganized and enhanced to support sequences, UUIDs, manual data entry as well as IDs generated from a SemQL expression.

Using this feature, designers have the flexibility to provide meaningful and customized identifiers that perfectly fit the requirements of the business.

Other Changes

  • The new Lookup Enricher performs a data lookup on any mapping table stored in a local or remote database.

  • The Plug-in Enrichers Aggregation (enabled with job parameters) enables designers to run subsequent plug-in enrichers in a single in-memory processing chain, avoiding successive database read/writes.

  • A new Change Indicator appears in the stewardship application to indicate when a record from an ID matching entity is being updated, or if a data entry workflow contains an obsolete version of that record.

  • A new queryLoadInformation web service operation to query loads and batches.

  • The post-consolidation validation can now use child records data.

  • The reference picker SemQL filter is enhanced to support the reference value being set as well as attributes from the referenced master record when the referenced entity is fuzzy matching.

  • The SemQL order by clauses for custom ranking and additional order by now support the NULLS LAST and NULLS FIRSTsyntax.

Version 3.2

Semarchy xDM 3.2 introduces new features enabling data stewards and business users to easily manage their master data. It includes customized search forms and a new match and merge technology supporting multiple match rules, suggestions and automated merge and confirmation of duplicates groups based on scoring.


Multiple Match Rules with Automated Validation and Scoring

This version includes an extended configuration for matching records. Matchers now support multiple match rules, each rule defining a specific condition for detecting possible duplicates, with a confidence score. Depending on confidence scores, actions are automated triggered on match groups, to suggest or perform a group merge, and optionally confirm the consolidated golden record.

Improved Duplicate Management Editor

To complement the new matching mechanism, the duplicate management editor has been improved and simplified to support matching suggestions and scoring. Duplicates are displayed using grouped view and customized tables to facilitate analysis and decisions on duplicates.

Customized Search Forms

Designers can now create customized forms to search data in the hub. These search forms support simple and complex search patterns as well as display types for the search parameters. Designers can also choose the search methods and search forms available to the business users in the business object views of the MDM applications.

Lineage Navigation in SemQL

The SemQL language is extended to support lineage navigation. Using the updated syntax, designers can define rules and filters that seamlessly leverage golden, master or source records, as well as the errors.

Post-Consolidation Enrichers

Enrichers can now run not only on source data but also on consolidated records. Using these enrichers, matched and merged data passes through additional augmentation and standardization transformations before being published into golden records.

Semarchy Pulse Dashboard Enhancements

Designers can configure the Semarchy Pulse dashboards to show metrics for the current application only or for all applications. Each dashboard has been localized and now displays additional description and tooltips explaining the dashboard and the metrics. The color schemes used in the dashboards have also be enhanced for better consistency and readability.

Database Functions

Designers can declare in the data model database functions and packages developed separately. By declaring these functions, they make them available in the SemQL editor and make possible syntactic validation while editing expressions.


Designers can configure applications and business object views to support auto-refresh. With auto-refresh, workflow lists as well as data tables, automatically refresh to reflect in the application user interface the most recent information from the hub.

Folders and Business Object View Customized Order

Designers can explicitly define the order of the folders and business objects displayed in the applications, using alphabetical or positional ordering.

Other Changes

Design Time
  • Workflow transitions can be configured to skip the complete task dialog.

  • Integration job batch ID (V_BATCHID) is available for enrichers and validators

  • New Download Hyperlink display type for binary content that should be downloaded by default.

MDM Applications
  • The record edition dialog no longer displays the Enrich and Validate buttons if no enricher or validation is configured for the task.

  • The record edition dialog now supports immediate data save and task completion.

  • Transitions no longer show the complete task dialog depending on the workflow configuration.

  • Data entry workflows now support Select All then Remove action.

  • Duplicate manage workflows support Select All actions.

  • Tables in the application now save column width in the user preferences.

  • Pulse dashboard for duplicates now exposes the confirmation status for the golden records.

  • Workflow overview and workflow lists now display the workflow submit/cancel date and time for a completed task.

  • Claim task is checked by default in the complete task dialog if the user can claim the next task.

  • Notify Assignee is checked by default in the complete task dialog if notification is possible.

  • The Suggest Mapping feature in the data import wizard is enhanced to support reference fields (e.g.: Column named like FID_…​, )

  • Number form fields raise better warning for invalid or overflowing numbers.

  • Model edition deployment uses a non-modal dialog during job execution.

  • OpenID Connect Connector is provided for Tomcat

  • New Web Service exposes ID generation.

Version 3.1

Semarchy xDM 3.1 introduces new features for designers to deliver a highly customized and efficient user experience for the data management applications. It also includes productivity features for the business users and data stewards who use these applications.


Application Customization

This version is enhanced with a series of features for application designers. Object duplication is now supported for Form Views, Tables Views, Business Objects, Business Object Views and Workflows. User interfaces can be customized with new capabilities, including a compact mode and a read-only option for fields, display properties to configure the display and sort mode for list of values, plus customizable patterns for formatting numbers. Access to business objects can be limited to a required role.

Re-Designed Workflow Lists

The workflow lists and overview displayed in the applications are entirely redesigned to expose all relevant workflow information at a glance. These lists support a full set of usability features (click-vertizing, multi-selection, pagination) as well as user customization.

Workflow Management

Workflows can now be configured to support updates of their label, priority and startup comment while running. Similarly, users can add information to a task comment while processing the task.
Data entry workflows now support different privileges for creating records and checking out records for update.

Select All and Mass-Update

The workflow experience have been enhanced to support Select Page and Select All operations. Data Entry now supports Mass-Update of selected records. In the mass-update editor, power users may choose to preserve or overwrite field values for an unlimited number of records. Mass update processes records and reports possible data issues at the end of the process.

Plug-in Parallel Processing and Error Management

The plug-in framework is now enhanced to support parallel processing. Designers can define the number of parallel threads for each plug-in enricher/validator. All built-in enrichers and validators are updated to support this feature.
Plug-ins are also enhanced to support error recovery. Designers can indicate, for each plug-in call, a number of attempts and a behavior on error.

Pulse Metrics Configured and Managed in the Workbench

The Semarchy xDM platform now technically includes the Pulse Metrics option. Setup, configuration and administration of Semarchy Pulse is dramatically simplified and takes place entirely within the Workbench.

Customizable Notification for Integration

Application and User Notifications - sent when a integration job completes - are now unified in the plug-in framework that support advanced conditions as well as customized notifications. Built-in notification plug-ins supporting Email, JMS, File, HTTP/Web Services are provided out of the box.

Web Services for Batch Data Integration

Web services for data integration have been updated at platform and data-edition level. They now manage every aspect of the batch data certification process (load management and data load).

Other Changes

  • Design-time object duplication for Form Views, Tables Views, Business Objects, Business Object Views and Workflows.

  • SemQL now support function names with 2 qualifiers: <schema name>.<package name>.<function name>

  • A default record-level consolidator is created when creating a new entity. Switching from a record-level to a field-level consolidator and vice-versa is now possible.

  • New CompactMode display properties enables removing the "Clear" end "…​" (More) buttons on attributes for more compact forms.

  • Form designer can now explicitly make form attributes Read-Only

  • New display property to configure the display mode (code, label, both or user-defined) for list of values in form and table views.

  • Form fields containing numbers can now be explicitly formatted using patterns supporting decimal and grouping separators, padding and currencies.

  • Hide URL for Embedded URL to display only the content.

  • New LovSortMode defines a list of values attribute sort order, by code or label.

  • An optional role can be defined on business object views to define the privilege to see this business object view.

  • Record Checkout and Record Creation privileges are now separated.

  • Support multiple transitions from Task_A to Task_B

  • Configure parallel processing for plug-ins to execute enrichment and validations faster in parallel threads. Built-in plug-ins are updated to support multi-thread processing.

  • Error behavior for plug-ins can be configured with a number of retry and a behavior on error to skip records, the entire plug-in task or to fail the task.

MDM Applications
  • Filters can be toggled from the Search menu item.

  • Quick Search now automatically targets the currently opened business object view.

  • The semarchyAdmin built-in role no longer has full access to models' data. A privilege grant must be created for this role to define his access rights.

  • Mass-update for a set of records in data entry.

  • Select Page and Select All options for selecting and managing large data sets.

  • The workflow initiator or administrator can update the label, priority and startup comment of a running workflow.

  • Workflow task comment can be modified while processing the task.

  • New workflow lists and editors to easily track the status and progress of the data management workflows: Task/Workflow lists are entirely re-designed in the application interface:

  • Design-time object duplication for Form Views, Tables Views, Business Objects, Business Object Views and Workflows.

  • SemQL now support function names with 2 qualifiers: <schema name>.<package name>.<function name>

  • A default record-level consolidator is created when creating a new entity. Switching from a record-level to a field-level consolidator and vice-versa is now possible.

  • Support for paging, multiple selection and clickvertizing in workflow lists

  • Display recently completed activities on the home page with the status of their data certification job

  • Pulse Metrics configuration and runtime is integrated in Semarchy xDM

  • Repositories can be named with installing the repository. Repository name appears in the upgrade process and in the repository information dialog.

  • Plug-in architecture for notifications sent upon batch terminations. Notification framework for JMS, FILE, HTTP, SMTP

  • Integration web services for publishing data batches in a generic way at platform-level or at data-edition level.

  • Advanced security documentation to configure role mapping, OpenID, mixed authentication and SSO.

Version 3.0

Semarchy xDM 3.0 introduces many new capabilities that expand your ability to manage master and reference data. This release includes a simplified user experience supporting mobile devices, greater control over visual composition for data forms and enhancements to the data models


Redesigned User Experience

The user experience in MDM applications has been redesigned in this version from the ground up, to make it more intuitive for business users. By implementing principles such as clickvertizing (only show available actions), single-click and responsive design, we have made this interface simpler to use on every device. By adding dozens of enhancements including breadcrumbs and a new search window. We ensure that you have the power of the platform at your fingertips.

Embedded Dashboards - Powered by Pulse

Pulse Metrics dashboards are automatically embedded in the applications generated for business users and data stewards.
MDM users and data stewards can now access Data Quality, Duplicates, Timeline and Workflow Performance dashboards right from their application.

Application Design Enhancements

This release enables application designers to deliver highly customized MDM applications.

Application designers can now choose the available features (dashboards, lineage, etc.) for the applications, and limit the access to these applications and their features to specified roles.

Form views now support flow and grid layouts to quickly create simple forms or highly complex ones, using a visual composition editor. You can now choose the exact position, sizing, and more, for each attribute and section in a form. Attributes in these forms benefit for a rich palette of display components. You can design forms that will look good on desktop and mobile platforms, without a line of code.

Business object views are enhanced: they support customized labels and display names as well as sort in the hierarchy. You can also explicitly design the reference navigation and selection in business object views.

New and Updated Plug-ins

New built-in plug-ins are added to the platform:

  • Person Name enricher to extract the given name, surname and gender from a person’s full name,

  • Google Translate enricher to automatically translate text for 80 languages,

  • Phone Extractor enricher to retrieve the phone numbers from any text,

  • OpenStreetMap enricher plug-in for address enrichment,

  • Email Validator to check syntactic and domain validity of emails.

Other Changes

  • Additional validations detect if the integration job at the end of a workflow does not process all entities referenced in the workflow.

  • Nodes are reordered in the model to indicate the sequence of objects to create.

  • Validations and enrichers support parent and child entities’ attributes.

  • References now support Referencing Role Plural Label and Referencing Role Label to refer to one or multiple child records.

  • Field Level Consolidators using a Custom Ranking strategy now support a Skip Null option to skip null values and pick the highest-ranking not null value.

  • Attribute Groups are deprecated. Entities automatically display attributes in the order defined in the entity in a User Attributes group. Technical attributes are displayed in a Built-in Attributes group.

  • Consolidators now default to Most Frequent for all non-LOB values, and Longest Value for LOB values.

  • Transitions in Business Objects now support a Customized Label options that allows defining a custom label, plural label and description for the transition.

  • Default Application is created on model creation. The upgrade process replaces the No Application pseudo application with the Default Application.

  • Applications now support global access restrictions and specific features access restrictions by role.

  • Customize business object views to open with a search on the list of records or the first record.

  • Business object views support data entry form views in addition to the data browsing form views.

  • Reference Navigation is now customizable for business object views. The navigation target may point to another business object view.

  • Selection of references from business object views for data entry can also be configured with a filter applied to the reference picker. This makes Data Stewards more efficient while working with very large data sets.

  • Visual Composition for Table and Form Views, including a grid-based design for form views.

  • Display Name can be customized for a node in a BO View.

  • Data Location deletion also supports optional drop for all the objects in the data location schema. This convenient mechanism allows resetting the hub content at the early model design stages.

  • Notification Servers now support a Default option to indicate which notification server is used for workflow notification emails.

  • Notification Servers creation wizard now includes SMTP authentication options.

  • Administrators can now suspend a Job that is running in order to abort it.

  • Performances

    • Data Certification Process now uses NDV Algorithm for gathering statistics for Oracle 11g versions and above.

    • Matching Process Performance improvement for incremental loads

  • Certifications

    • Apache Geronimo 3.0.1 and IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile 8.5.x are now certified.

    • Oracle WebLogic 11g is no longer supported as it is not JEE 6 compliant.

MDM Applications
  • Master/Detail editors reorganized using tabs

  • Responsive home page, layout, editors and toolbars

  • Suggest Mappings in the Excel import wizard ignores noise (case, underscores, spaces) when matching Excel columns and attributes.

  • Action clickvertizing

  • Simplified customized Sort with support for multi-column sort

  • Breadcrumb in data browsing editor

  • Dialogs with a file download option immediately download (no extra clicks needed).

  • Data entry workflow editor layout change: the history and overview tab now appear in a popup dialog.

  • Data Filtering is enhanced with a new single window to manage and edit all filters.

  • Seamless navigation experience in BO View and Entity: Access the whole lineage from the business object views.

  • Explicit record selection with a selection column.

  • Reorganized display properties menu. Pagination directly customized from the display menu

  • Improved selection dialog when moving a master record to a new golden

  • Embedded Pulse Metrics dashboards: Data Quality, Duplicates, Timeline and Workflow Performance

  • Phone

    • New Phone Extractor Enricher to extract a list of phone numbers from a given text

    • Phone Enricher changes: Now supports better localization of phone numbers and detailed return codes and messages explaining phone processing. Support for time zones and carrier detection from the phone number.

    • Phone enricher returns the original phone number instead of a null value when parsing fails.

    • Phone Validator supports validation leniency parameter to manage validation level.

  • Text Enricher

  • Email

    • New Email Validator Plug-in checks email validity without transforming it.

    • Email Enricher: Valid Domain and Valid Input Domain now return null instead of N/A for domains that are unchecked.

      • New Processing Mode for email enrichers uses an in-memory-only domain cache.

  • Translate

    • New Google Translate Enricher using the Google Translate service.

  • Person Name

    • New Person Name Enricher extracts from a person’s full name his/her Given Name, Surname and Gender.

  • Geocoding

    • Yahoo! PlaceFinder Plug-in is removed from the product and documentation due to Yahoo discontinuation of this service.

    • Added OpenStreetMap plug-in.

    • Google Maps enricher now supports a Status output to indicate the status of the request and possible errors.

    • Google Maps enricher now returns a Formatted Address output that contains the human-readable version of the geocoded address.

    • Google Maps enricher now supports request throttling.

Version 2.2

Semarchy xDM 2.2 brings master data governance to the next level by introducing a redesigned user experience with enhanced interactivity.

Redesigned Master Data Governance Experience

Semarchy xDM introduces a redesigned interface for business users and data stewards exercising master data governance.

This user interface is separated from the design-time workbench and provides simplified and powerful access to the master data. It has been enhanced in the following areas:

  • An updated Home page with shortcuts to workflows

  • A simplified layout showing only relevant content and options

  • Simplified forms and editors

  • An issue detection report showing all data issues data validations, duplicates, concurrent changes ) in a single place, with the capability to export the issue report.

  • A reorganized navigation panel

  • Quick Search to find any piece of data at any time

  • Consistently reorganized actions

  • Direct workflow actions to claim, un-claim, or complete a task in a single step

  • Direct duplicate management actions (merge, split, etc.) from the data lists and tree view

  • Direct data editing actions from the data lists and tree view

  • URLs to directly access applications and data editions

  • Support for multiple browser tabs

  • An elegant theme with an improved icon set

With no additional design-time effort, this new simple, fast and elegant interface is available from your Semarchy xDM instance on the /data path.

Interactive and Safe Data Authoring

Semarchy xDM 2.2 adds new benefits for users authoring data in the hub: data entry is made simpler, faster and safer.

Interactive Data Augmentation and Validation

With this feature, developers can define enrichers and validations triggered on workflow tasks and transitions. Resulting workflows deliver more interactivity to the business users and data stewards authoring master data in the hub:

  • Enrichers are triggered from data entry forms, automatically augmenting input fields or filling in computed fields. At the same time, validations pro-actively notify users of possible data issues. All this happens interactively while the user enters keystrokes or moves from field to field.

  • When the user completes a workflow task, enrichers and validations are automatically triggered to enforce data quality policies. Issues detected are reported as simple warning messages or may be configured to block the user from completing the task.

Developers can configure enrichers and validations from the Properties view for tasks and transitions in the Workflow diagram for data entry workflows.

Pro-active Duplicates and Unique Keys Detection

ID Matching entities, frequently used for data authoring patterns, now support duplicate and unique key violation detection within workflows:

  • Developers can define matchers on ID Matching entities. Such matchers detect duplicates for a record while it is created.

  • Unique Keys defined in the model on ID Matching entities are also checked in data entry workflows.

When a business user edits a record in a workflow, the interface warns him immediately if he is about to create:

  • A record similar to one that already exists (according to the matcher), allowing him to check this record out and modify it instead of creating a duplicate.

  • A record that violates a unique key definition.

Developers enable duplicate detection on ID Matching Entities by creating Matchers for these entities. Unique key validation is configured as a validation in a workflow task or transition.

Concurrent Change Detection

Data being processed in an workflow may become out of sync if the original record is modified by another workflow or by a publishing process.

Such concurrent change is now automatically detected in the workflows. A warning is raised to the user working on the out-of-sync data, allowing him to ignore or merge these changes into his data transaction.

Concurrent changes are automatically detected and raised as needed when processing data entry workflows.

Design-Time Enhancements

Designers benefit from the productivity features of Semarchy xDM 2.2 to deliver faster iterations for their MDM initiatives.

Workflow Design Productivity

The workflow design has been enhanced with capabilities to support not only Interactive Data Augmentation and Validation, but also with the ability to add Customized Labels on transitions.

The design-time workflow editor now includes a Properties view. Using this view, developers can modify tasks and transitions without leaving the diagram, enhancing their productivity in workflow design.

Filters on Child Records

SemQL has been enhanced to support conditions based on child records.

For example, if a Customer has several Contacts, you can now easily design filters involving the customers’ contacts:

  • Customers with at least one contact.: ANY contacts HAVE (1=1)

  • Customers with all contacts without email. ALL contacts HAVE (email IS NULL)

  • Customers with contacts located in a different country than the customer: ANY contacts HAVE (country != customer.country)

The new ANY/ALL syntax is available from the Expression Editor. For more information, see the new Semarchy xDM SemQL Guideavailable in the documentation library.

Export/Import Models Everywhere

Model edition export is now allowed from deployment repositories. With this option, administrators can transfer models as they were originally deployed between test/UAT and production environments.

Model edition import is now possible to development repositories. Import closed or open model editions either as new models, or on top of open model editions.
Using this feature, developers can transfer models across repositories at design-time with a just few clicks.

New Plug-in: Text Normalization and Transliteration

This new plug-in applies normalization, transliteration (including Cyrillic, Arabic, Japanese and other eastern languages) and phonetic (metaphone, soundex, double metaphone, caverphone, refined soundex) transformations to text strings.

With this plug-in, the certification process can transform international strings to a common standard, which makes fuzzy matching possible even for data published in different languages and character sets.

Other Changes

  • Field-Level Consolidators using the Preferred Publishers strategy now have a Skip Null option.

  • New golden record attributes: Masters Count stores the number of master records contributing to a golden and Is Confirmedindicates whether a user has validated the matching group.

  • Web Services management is now attached to the Execution Engine platform privilege

  • Notification Servers and Variable Value Providers management are now attached to the Data Location platform privilege.

  • Administrators can now close data editions with open workflows, and have these workflows continue in the new data edition.

  • New closeAndCreateNewDataEdition web service to support Data Edition management automation.

  • External Loads are no longer attached to a data edition:

    • In the Data Locations editor, the Latest Loads are now under the data branch node, and no longer under each data edition.

    • Loads start automatically on the latest edition of the data branch and the Data Edition ID is no longer needed to start a load.

    • The new version 1.1 of the Integration Web Services is updated and the dataEditionID element is no longer needed for the getNewLoadID operation.

    • In the repository schema, the MTA_GET_NEW_LOADID, MTA_CANCEL_LOAD and MTA_SUBMIT_LOAD PL/SQL functions and procedures are deprecated (but still work) and replaced by the GET_NEW_LOADID (this new function does not have a Data Edition ID parameter), SUBMIT_LOAD functions and the CANCEL_LOAD procedure in the INTEGRATION_LOAD package.

  • In the Activity web service, the CompleteTask request now requires a transition name (TransitionName) instead of a task name (TransitionTaskName is deprecated). Existing workflows will work with the new web services as the upgrade names the transitions as their target tasks.

Version 2.1


Semarchy xDM 2.1 introduces new features to make the life of business users and data stewards easier and more productive: As they browse the data, then can perform quick records checkouts and immediately start authoring and managing data in newly organized editors. While working on this data, which now can includes errors and rejects, the are assisted with features such as automated ID generation and inline and bulk data validation. They can also take advantage of the improved data import/export in Excel and CSV and work with their favorite data editor.

With this release, developers and administrators are also invited to use the new design options for entity matching behavior and create retention policies and scheduled purges to enforce data governance and compliance policies.

Detailed Features

Entity Matching Behavior

This release introduces a new naming convention for entity types that replaces the Primary Key Type (SDPK, UDPK).
Entities are now identified by their Matching Behavior:

  • ID Matching (formerly known as UDPK): Records in entities using ID Matching are matched if they have the same ID. This matching behavior is well suited when there is a true unique identifier for all the applications communicating with the MDM hub and for simple Data Entry use cases.

  • Fuzzy Matching (formerly known as SDPK): Records in entities using Fuzzy Matching are matched using a SemQL expression defined in a matcher.

The matching behavior is defined when creating the entity and is modified using the Alter Entity action.

Automated ID Generation

Entities Primary Keys (IDs) can now be automatically generated in the data entry forms. The method for generating IDs is configured in the entity definition and may use sequence or a built-in UUID generator.

This feature facilitates data authoring through applications for business users and data stewards and they no longer need to enter ID values.

Error Processing Workflows

Contributions via data entry workflows now include fixing rejects, in addition to authoring or modifying data.
Model designers can define whether golden data, master data and/or rejects can be brought into the workflow that they create.

Using this feature, data stewards can now address data issues detected in the golden data certification process using regular data manipulation workflows, which are managed in the Semarchy xDM platform.

Improved Experience for Data Authoring and Stewardship

The data entry and duplicate management activities are now made easier to use through subtle improvements of the data entry and duplicate management editors.
This includes a complete reorganization and renaming for the actions. The are now grouped in a single Actions menu. Users can flag frequently used actions as Quick Actions to make them available in the editor toolbar.

Quick Records Check out

Users can now quickly select and check out records as they browse them. This operation adds these records to an existing workflow or creates a new workflow with these records. This workflow automatically opens and the user can immediately start working on these records.

With this feature, users can naturally and quickly trigger activities as they see the data, dramatically boosting their productivity.

Workflow Data Validation

Data modified or entered in the context of a data entry activities is now be validated at two levels:

  • Form Data Validation: Within data entry forms, information not compliant with the data quality rules defined in the model is detected and errors are raised to the user.

  • Bulk Data Validation: All the data modified or entered in the context of a data entry workflow can be validated against the data certification rules in bulk using the new Validate action.

Using these two features, data authors can now pro-actively fix issues that may cause data rejection before saving each data record and before completing a task.

Improved Data Import/Export in Excel and CSV

The import/export feature available to extract data from the hub or bulk import data is now improved with the following capabilities:

  • CSV Files Support: Data import and export now support CSV files in addition to Microsoft Excel workbooks.

  • Reusable Import Settings: Import settings, including file format specification and columns to attributes mappings can be saved and reused for subsequent imports.

  • Advanced Export Settings: The format of the exported files (list of values, references, complex attributes and header columns) can be customized through advanced options.

These new capabilities help business users and data stewards manage customized exports and import for data viewing and bulk changes.

Retention Policies and Scheduled Purges

Preserving the lineage and history of the golden data is a frequent master data governance and regulatory compliance requirement. To make sure that the data lineage and history are preserved according to the governance and compliance requirements, model designers can now define Data Retention Policies for the model and for individual entities.

For example:

  • The hub is configured to retain no history at all. This is the general policy.

  • Employee data is retained for 10 years.

  • Product and Financial data is retained forever.

However, keeping this information may also create a large volume of data in the hub storage. To keep a reasonable volume of information, administrators can now schedule Purges for this data. These schedules are handled by a Purge Scheduler, accessible from the administration view. These purges respect the retention policies defined in the model design.

Retention policies and scheduled purges guarantee ease of administration, data volume control as well as compliance with data retention policies for regulatory compliance.

For more information about Retention Policies, see the Defining Data Retention chapter in the Semarchy xDM Developer’s Guide. For more information about purge scheduling, see the Scheduling Data Purges section in the Semarchy xDM Administration Guide.

Version 2.0

Major Features

Support for High-Availability Deployment

Semarchy xDM 2.0 supports the clustered deployment of the Semarchy xDM web application for high-availability and failover. A clustered deployment can be set up for example to support a large number of concurrent users performing data entry or duplicate management operation.

For more information, refer to the High-Availability Configuration section in the Semarchy xDM Installation Guide.

Display Components

The display of form and table view attributes can be configured by setting a Display Type and optionally the height and width of the display component. Display types allow including Embedded Content or URL, Images and Hyperlinks into the data access form and table views.

For more information, refer to the Display Types section in the Semarchy xDM Developer’s Guide.

Row-Level Security

Semarchy xDM 2.0 introduces a new level of details for securing data access.
It is possible to define SemQL Filters for the entities in a Model Privilege Grant. This filter will make accessible only the filtered records for the user having this role. Using filters, model designer can choose to restrict the access to specific entity records depending on the roles.

For more information, refer to the Securing Data chapter in the Semarchy xDM Developer’s Guide.

Model Variables

Model Variables can be defined in the model, these variables’ values are refreshed from a query to an external provider. The Variable Value Providers, defined in the Administration Console perspective, can be either an LDAP-compatible directory or a database connected via a JDBC Datasource.
Variable values are refreshed when a user connects to access the hub data, and are local to this user’s session. The variable can be used for example in the filters defined for row-level security.

For more information, refer to the Model Variables section in the Semarchy xDM Developer’s Guide and the Configuring Variable Value Providers section in the Semarchy xDM Administration Guide

Model Documentation

Semarchy xDM 2.0 introduces a new feature to generate a model documentation set in HTML format.
This documentation set includes the Logical Model, Applications and Physical Model documentation.

For more information, refer to the Generating the Model Documentation'' section in the Semarchy xDM Developer’s Guide.

Client API

A new client API is available to design and develop customized user interfaces to:

  • Explore the structure (metadata) of the MDM hub content.

  • Access the data stored in the MDM Hub,

  • Interact with the workflows

This API is available in the semarchy-xdm-client-<version tag>.zip file with documentation and samples.

Other Changes

  • The Plug-ins editor now shows only plug-ins added by the user and supports plug-in removal.

  • Plug-ins added by the user are stored in the repository and not deleted when re-deploying the application in some application servers (Tomcat).

  • New Include Model Edition in Namespace option in the Web Service Manager.

  • Batch Poller frequency is now configured by default to 10 seconds.

  • Auto-start preferences for the web services are lost in the upgrade process and must be reset.

  • It is possible switch the deployed model edition of a given data edition without closing and opening a new data edition. Switching a model edition preserves the old version of the jobs under a Deprecated Jobs node.

  • Data edition Closing mode is now called Maintenance mode.

  • The following table structure changes must be taken into account in the integration flows targeting the MDM hub:

    • In the SD_ tables, the B_BATCHID column no longer exists.

    • In the SD_ tables, the B_BRANCHID column is mandatory and must be loaded with the data branch ID.

  • New/updated web service in this release:

    • Platform Services > Metadata Web Service, for the client API.

    • Data Services now expose two new WDSL per data edition: ActivityService and GenericDataService. See the Semarchy xDM Integration Guide for more information.


Version 2.0.1

  • 590 - The popup window for an image attribute does not preserve the aspect ratio

  • 595 - Missing Dependency Error when installing the Semarchy xDM Plugin SDK 2.0.0

  • 596 - Attribute names in a form view are incorrect for the attributes of a parent entity.

  • 597 - MTA_SUBMIT_LOAD to submit Deprecated Jobs causes an ORA-01422 Error

  • 600 - RuntimeException: Cannot update a deployed Model Edition in a production environment. on Install Model Edition in Repository with DEPLOYMENT type

  • 604 - Tomcat Server does not shut down if a session is running

  • 605 - OutOfMemory PermGen Space error when validating a model

  • 607 - Button requires a double-click to open the SemQL editor (Enricher and Binning Expression)

Version 2.0.2

  • 87 - Contextual menu is empty on the model edition tree view after a validate action

  • 125 - Non admin users connecting while the repository is down have no privileges until they logout and login again

  • 423 - Update to the workflow notification message and subject

  • 433 - Editor toolbars stop working after perspective switching

  • 442 - Notification Servers: wizard should automatically set first server as default

  • 470 - Improved user experience when upgrading a model edition to fix a job that failed

  • 472 - Job Logs view allows deleting running Jobs

  • 498 - Validator for Plugin should raise warning when some input/outputs are not mapped but enricher/validation is disabled

  • 499 - Model Validation should raise a warning when an entity is not processed by any job

  • 507 - Right-click Validate should put the focus back on the Progress Editor

  • 550 - Fonts used are now suitable for Linux, Mac and Windows

  • 562 - Columns displayed in duplicate management workflows’ tables are persisted in the user preferences

  • 598 - Job are not ordered correctly under the data location tree

  • 599 - Model Edition Import Wizard should refresh the Model Edition tree after import

  • 611 - LOV import from excel imports formula text instead of formula result

  • 613 - Validator now prevents using Large Objects (LOB) attributes in entity or complex type subject names

  • 615 - Duplicate Management workflows: The tree-view status (expanded) is lost when any action is done

  • 616 - Error ORA-00904: GD.FS_XXX when starting a data entry workflow with a UDPK entity referencing a SDPK entity

  • 618 - Excel Import Wizard: Added a progress bar during the file processing

  • 626 - NullPointerException error when an importing Excel data with rows containing only blank cells with formatting info

Version 2.0.3

  • 636 - Data Entry: Unable to create a child record if parent entity is inherited

  • 637 - Missing Validator for a Record Level Consolidator with Publisher Ranking and no Publisher in the List

  • 642 - GD analyze statistics analyzes the wrong table (MD)

  • 643 - In the Reference creation wizard a whitespace in the physical name causes an error flag that never disappears

  • 644 - Error This binding expression S.B_LOADID is not present in this row in data entry workflows when entering a new record with a row filter on the entity

  • 653 - Semarchy xDM Plugin SDK is now signed

  • 654 - Home Dashboard has an incorrect scrolling behavior

  • 661 - Attribute Group Namespace is incorrectly checked. Namespace should be across entity inheritance hierarchy

  • 662 - Support inherited entities in data entry workflows

  • 663 - Entities are not ordered in the Job Creation Wizard

  • 664 - Publisher code is now autofilled in uppercase in the publisher creation wizard

  • 666 - On BO Views, search is not persisted when using the Back button

  • 672 - Validation does not raise any issue for form views with no attributes

  • 673 - Importing of large Excel file cause the application to become unresponsive

  • 677 - Data Entry usability improvements for dates: display a format hint and a decorator for invalid values

  • 678 - Data Entry: ClassCastException when displaying a record with invalid Multi-LOV values in a table view

  • 696 - Date picker displays date format helper message and picker button even for read only fields

Version 2.0.4

  • 704 - Incorrect French translation La Clé de Licence est invalide when registering a valid license key

  • 706 - Excel Import Fails with Empty Cell

  • 702 - Error when importing Excel an worksheet with cells containing formulas returning error values

  • 700 - IE9/IE10 is unable to display HTML object type image/png

  • 712 - Excel Import adds .0 to a numeric cell value imported in a string attribute

  • 715 - java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException in the Excel Import wizard when previewing a different worksheet with a larger number of columns

Version 2.0.5

  • 721 - Model Import on in a production repository fails

Version 2.0.6

  • 724 - New applications do not appear after moving a model to production

Version 2.1.0

  • 432 - Count query to display the total number of rows in tables are computed on demand

  • 471 - New Batch Poller option Plugin Tasks Feedback Interval defines row count refresh interval for long running plugin tasks

  • 520 - Session Timeout Window has a broken layout

  • 572 - Refresh button in Data Entry View does not correctly refresh the table content

  • 586 - Semarchy workbench incorrectly freezes on Loading page if the repository database is unavailable.

  • 609 - No scrollbar on the workflow editor with small browser windows

  • 612 - Excel Import resolves formulas while importing data

  • 620 - Excel import mapping suggestion is not case insensitive

  • 625 - A new dialog show the number of records imported successfully or failed

  • 641 - Scripts in the bin folder do not have execution permission on after uncompressing the distribution

  • 655 - The initial focus is not correctly set in the wizards with Firefox

  • 658 - Home Dashboard fails to load with a DataAccessPermissionDenied exception if user has row-level security defined

  • 684 - Certain actions are incorrectly enabled for multiple-selections in the duplicate management editor

  • 686 - Dialog for selecting candidate values (for example in a filter) incorrectly allows multiple values selection

  • 692 - ORA-00001: unique constraint (XXX) violated if the same complex type is used twice in the same entity and if both attribute are in error.

  • 693 - A value selected in the selection dialog is ignored for Date types in criteria filter definition

  • 695 - Finish button is now disabled on the first page of the Open Data Edition wizard

  • 697 - A zero rows sample raises an exception when clicking Next in the Excel Import Wizard

  • 698 - Export button should be disabled when list of records is empty

  • 701 - Default validation is now pre-consolidation for newly created validation elements

  • 705 - Reference validation scope is not exported in Model Documentation export for References that are not mandatory

  • 707 - Excel Import fails with an Excel file with lines that have been emptied.

  • 716 - Incorrect display type used for complex attribute’s definition attributes in form and tables views.

  • 718 - ORA-30926: unable to get a stable set of rows in the source tables error occurs on the Consolidate singleton master records into GI table task.

  • 727 - Erratic layout behavior of the sections in the Home Dashboard

  • 730 - Folder Names instead of labels incorrectly shown in the model tree view

  • 739 - Getting Started Actions are now hidden if user does not have the semadmin role

  • 740 - Changing the name of an object does not change the editor’s tab label

  • 741 - It is no longer possible to remove all the displayed columns from a data table

  • 743 - Business Object Views are not ordered alphabetically by label in the Structure of a Data Entry Workflow

  • 746 - New Display Format and Export Format options for List of Values in User Preferences and Export Dialog

  • 747 - Integration Job incorrectly validates mandatory attributes existing only in child entities (inheritance)

  • 749 - Better error message when a multi-LOV value cannot be stored due to the attribute size

  • 750 - Missing Remove button for Embedded Content display type during Data Entry

  • 754 - Image are displayed too large in the Data Entry workflow table

  • 756 - Wrong label for BO views selection step in the Data Entry workflow creation wizard

  • 776 - Invalid SQL generated when using BETWEEN in SemQL

  • 787 - Job Remains Running after a repository crash

Version 2.1.1

  • 898 - Fixed slower opening of data editions in 2.1 compared to 2.0

  • 889 - Submitting a workflow while a record is displayed in a form view generates an AssertionFailedException

  • 888 - A model validation is added to have at least one output for plug-in enrichers

  • 895 - End of record error with CSV files

  • 906 - Filters do not seem to apply correctly to data editors opened twice

  • 896 - Editable table cells containing SemQL expressions incorrectly keep the focus on exit

  • 890 - Documentation export on a model using inheritance and attribute privileges generates an IllegalArgumentException

  • 905 - The overview page does not appear when the engine is stopped

  • 892 - AssertionFailedException: assertion failed: Getter called on disposed observable is logged when closing a data editor

  • 891 - A NullPointerException appears when checking rejects out if the table view contains attributes using SemQL expressions

Version 2.2.0

Known Issues

  • MDM-1298 - [Weblogic 12] 403 error page is not displayed when user is not authorized

  • MDM-1201 - Incorrect Mixed Content Warning in IE8 with HTTPS Configuration (IE Bug)

New Features

  • MDM-970 - Support Filters on the Many relationships

  • MDM-971 - Support for enrichers and validations in task and transition in data entry workflows

  • MDM-975 - Support for BO Views defined at task level for data entry workflows.

  • MDM-1000 - Design time Import/Export of Model Edition

  • MDM-1041 - BO View display order can be defined for data entry workflows.

  • MDM-1083 - Automated ID generation in Data Entry for Fuzzy Matching Entities

  • MDM-1110 - Support export from Deployment repository

  • MDM-1140 - Add Masters Count on Golden Records

  • MDM-1141 - Add a new attribute on Golden records to tell whether Golden Is Confirmed or not

  • MDM-1144 - Closing and creation new data editions should keep running workflows and loads

  • MDM-1146 - New Web Service to Close and Create a New Data Edition

  • MDM-1213 - New xframeoptions context parameter (web.xml/semarchy.xml) to configure iframe embeddability (X-Frame-Options)

  • MDM-290 - Web Service Administration is now attached to the Execution Engine Privilege, and the Notification Servers to the Data Location Privileges.

  • MDM-847 - Improved user feedback when using reserved names for attributes

  • MDM-870 - Support for Browser Multi-Tab

  • MDM-1126 - First Form/Table View created for an entity is called DefaultFormView/DefaultTableView by default

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-622 - Search/filter is not persisted when using the Back button on BO Views

  • MDM-743 - New option for default Data Import settings

  • MDM-746 - Data Import: Date and DateTime format preferences do not have default values

  • MDM-756 - New Warning in model validation if an integration job has a possible wrong order in tasks

  • MDM-796 - Sequences might not be ordered sequentially when using RAC

  • MDM-840 - [Address Enricher] OnDemand mode doesn’t work anymore

  • MDM-850 - In data import, if no PK is defined in the form view, the mapping is impossible

  • MDM-860 - Incorrect attributes order in attribute picker: foreign attribute is always listed at the end

  • MDM-863 - Setting an empty field separator in data import wizard hangs preview and allows the Next button

  • MDM-864 - Display types not used in record checkout tables view

  • MDM-866 - Refresh Button does not work on a BO View after it was modified in data entry

  • MDM-867 - Session ending do not redirected to the login screen on Internet Explorer

  • MDM-868 - Data Import Fails if the option The imported file contains an ID column is selected and the form view does not contain SourceID or the preferences reference obsolete attributes

  • MDM-873 - Incorrect ordering of the BO Views in the hierarchy of the data entry editor

  • MDM-874 - Data Entry raises a Not Yet Implemented exception when there is a unique key check marked as pre-consolidation

  • MDM-875 - LOVs contained in Complex Types do not appear according to the LOV Display Format Preference

  • MDM-1162 - Data export fails when a Form Attribute is an expression

  • MDM-1191 - HTTP Status 408 Error when accessing the login page

  • MDM-1192 - Checking out a record already checked out does not refresh the record from the hub

  • MDM-1196 - Duplicate Management Checkout filter expression editor warns when an unknown function is used

  • MDM-1198 - Link to a Grand-Parent FDN causes an Unhandled event loop exception

  • MDM-1275 - [Weblogic 12c] Data UI cannot be opened and Data Edition Web services cannot be started (Issue with JAXB)

  • MDM-1276 - [Weblogic 12c] Error 404 when accessing http://host:port/semarchy instead of http://host:port/semarchy/

  • MDM-1295 - Unable to the Email of a Role in the Administration Console

  • MDM-1317 - Incorrect definition for the entity Remove privilege indicated in the Administration Guide

  • MDM-1326 - NullPointerException and Action buttons disappear when clicking record with specific record level privileges defined

  • MDM-1329 - SQL Query Generation generates aliases containing reserved keywords

  • MDM-1330 - Data Import now handles files with a large number of columns detected due to incorrect separator definition

  • MDM-1331 - Embedded content in form views does not display correctly in Internet Explorer

  • MDM-1335 - Checking-out a cluster of objects containing a child with no privileges is enabled but causes an exception.

  • MDM-1383 - Export Menu appears even without export privilege on entity

Version 2.2.1

New Features

  • MDM-58 - Excel and CSV export limits can be configured from the Administration Console.

  • MDM-664 - Email Enricher now provides an Offline mode.

  • MDM-846 - Purge Scheduler wizard and editor: Schedule definition interface review.

  • MDM-1012 - Google Maps Plug-in now supports Client ID and Key.

  • MDM-1161 - DataSource Value Provider now supports JDBC datasource selection in a dropdown component.

  • MDM-1301 - New Microsoft Bing Maps plug-in for address enrichment

  • MDM-1340 - Enricher’s Active property label is renamed to Run in Jobs.

  • MDM-1377 - Editable state of the Source ID field is made more obvious in data entry forms.

  • MDM-1389 - Engine Administration: Ignore Failure action is renamed to Cancel Job.

  • MDM-1392 - Semarchy xDM is now certified on Glassfish 4.0.

  • MDM-1403 - Reviewed title and button labels for the Open Data Edition dialog.

  • MDM-1437 - Semarchy xDM is now certified on non-CDB Oracle 12c instances.

  • MDM-1438 - Semarchy xDM is now certified on Tomcat 8 and Wildfly 8. Dropped support for JBoss 5.x.

  • MDM-1455 - MDM Applications Logo can be customized from the Administration Console.

  • MDM-1467 - Date management is now consistently based on the application server time zone.

  • MDM-1477 - Workbench and Applications URLs changed to /semarchy/workbench and /semarchy/data.

  • MDM-1478 - Added a view action when browsing BO View records.

  • MDM-1479 - Added Start/End/Duration values to the Data Certification Queue page.

  • MDM-1480 - New Welcome Page for /semarchy.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-710 - Overview page not correctly refreshed when a data location upgrade fails.

  • MDM-1343 - Data location upgrade now fails with an appropriate message if the model edition has validation errors.

  • MDM-1359 - Data location’s datasource selection drop-down misses certain datasources if some of them are invalid.

  • MDM-1369 - Workflow task overview in the applications does not have enough space for workflow diagram.

  • MDM-1404 - Cryptic warning message during checkout is now removed One or more records in the hierarchy to check out already exist in Data Entry publisher Product Hub Data Entry. If you proceed, those Data Entry records…

  • MDM-1426 - Missing Scrollbar on Home Page’s Navigate view.

  • MDM-1428 - In the data entry forms, the Save button is now disabled if errors prevent from saving the record.

  • MDM-1429 - In data entry forms, attributes with embedded content display type are displayed twice.

  • MDM-1434 - Client API method completionResult.getNewTask() returns null value.

  • MDM-1435 - Attribute with Image Display Type is not updated when using Previous/Next record if new record contains null image.

  • MDM-1456 - Character & disappears from labels coming from Model Design.

  • MDM-1462 - Paginated Queries are too slow due to wrong pagination query.

  • MDM-1468 - Import (Exact ID Matching/ID generated) fails with could not find row with ID xxx from hub when record exists only with non data entry publisher id in hub.

  • MDM-1471 - Missing Horizontal Scrollbars in Form Editor.

  • MDM-1472 - Data entry Enricher on Field Exit is not triggered when exiting a LOV field.

  • MDM-1482 - Exporting Documentation should raise an error for an invalid model.

  • MDM-1484 - REGEXP_SUBSTR Syntax misses subexpr parameter.

  • MDM-1486 - Multiple malfunctions with the Refresh button of the Validation report.

  • MDM-1487 - SemQL does not support CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() without precision.

Version 2.2.2

Known Issues

  • MDM-1463 - Geronimo 3.0.1 and WebSphere Liberty Profile 8.5 are not supported due to classloading incompatibility.

  • MDM-1393 - Data export (XLSX) opens in Excel 2010 with hidden columns. This problem is due to a JVM versions 1.7.0_21. To solve it, upgrade to a later JVM Version.

  • MDM-1386 - Fuzzy Matching Entities with a single attribute are not correctly handled by the certification process. These entities can be used for inheritance purposes.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-1509 - The Welcome page raises a HTTP-500 error when a model is not valid.

  • MDM-1508 - Upgrading to version 2.2 generates invalid validation configuration errors on data entry workflows.

Version 2.2.3

Known Issues

  • MDM-1463 - Geronimo 3.0.1 and WebSphere Liberty Profile 8.5 are not supported due to classloading incompatibility.

  • MDM-1393 - Data export (XLSX) opens in Excel 2010 with hidden columns. This problem is due to a JVM versions 1.7.0_21. To solve it, upgrade to a later JVM Version.

  • MDM-1386 - Fuzzy Matching Entities with a single attribute are not correctly handled by the certification process. These entities can be used for inheritance purposes.

New Features

  • MDM-1597 - Field Level Consolidation performance improved when using the Preferred Publisher (with Skip Null options), Largest or Smallest Value consolidation strategies.

  • MDM-1577 - Google Maps Plugin Enricher uses the system proxy configuration specified with -Dhttp.proxy and -Dhttp.port.

  • MDM-1553 - Matching performance improvement for the Assigned SDPK to integration table for detected duplicatestask.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-1617 - NullPointerException when using the Google Maps Enricher with empty parameters.

  • MDM-1595 - Upgrading no longer automatically activates the Skip Nulls option in Field Level Consolidators using the Preferred Publisher strategy.

  • MDM-1582 - Business object views selection wizard on data entry task wizard looses the existing business object views order.

  • MDM-1545 - Model validation fails after an upgrade if workflows have been removed between model editions.

  • MDM-1530 - Model validation fails after an upgrade to version 2.2 when an entity is refereced several times from the same workflow.

  • MDM-1491 - IllegalArgumentException: Argument cannot be null error appears when accessing the Dashboard. This error occurs when an integration batch has no attached job log.

Version 2.2.4

Known Issues

  • MDM-1463 - Geronimo 3.0.1 and WebSphere Liberty Profile 8.5 are not supported due to classloading incompatibility.

  • MDM-1393 - Data export (XLSX) opens in Excel 2010 with hidden columns. This problem is due to a JVM versions 1.7.0_21. To solve it, upgrade to a later JVM Version.

  • MDM-1386 - Fuzzy Matching Entities with a single attribute are not correctly handled by the certification process. These entities can be used for inheritance purposes.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-1992 - Data Applications appears as a blank page since Firefox 29 upgrade.

Version 3.0.0

Known Issues

  • MDM-2272 - Web services do not start on Glassfish and Weblogic application servers.

  • MDM-2201 - In Google Chrome 35+, scrolling a form view that contains an embedded content attribute scrolls the attribute but not the form.

  • MDM-2293 - Clicking log out for the current user context menu has no effect until the user clicks in the frame.

  • MDM-1925 - DataAccessPermissionDeniedException when accessing a business object view with a root filter using a non-authorized attribute.

  • MDM-2284 - The application window does not resize if the browser was resized during the loading phase. User must refresh the page.

  • MDM-2295 - ClassCastException when accessing the All Tasks with a user having limited privileges.

  • MDM-2267 - Visual representation of attributes in the grid at design-time do not have the expected height. Runtime remains unaffected.

  • MDM-2109 - Data export in the applications do not download any file if Firefox is configured with `Always ask me where to save files'

  • MDM-2266 - Display attributes validation messages always mention `form attributes' even for table attributes.

  • MDM-2307 - Source Errors, Post Consolidation Errors, Master Integration and Golden Integration Records view fails.

New Features

  • MDM-1664 - Data Certification Queue and Tasks List now display timestamps as well as dates.

  • MDM-1665 - Incorrect date values entered in forms now appear as data validation errors.

  • MDM-2034 - New Collapse All action to collapse all nodes in the application Home Page.

  • MDM-1024 - Plugin and SemQL validations support referenced attributes.

  • MDM-1553 - Matching performance improved for Fuzzy Matching entities.

  • MDM-1578 - SMTP Properties is available in the Notification Server configuration.

  • MDM-1613 - Open Application screen is simplified.

  • MDM-1581 - New getDataEditionIdOpenedOnDate platform web service returns the data edition ID opened at a given date.

  • MDM-1533 - GetDataEditionInfos platform web service now returns the data edition creation and update date

  • MDM-1027 - Plugin and SemQL enrichers support referenced attributes.

  • MDM-994 - Purge job log now purges deprecated job definitions in a data location.

  • MDM-2125 - New log4j.logger.com.semarchy.platform.engine.PluginExecution logger to troubleshoot plugin execution.

  • MDM-2177 - New Formatted Address output for the Google Maps enricher returns a human readable address.

  • MDM-1556 - Checkout operation in the duplicate management workflows is optimized to handle large volumes.

  • MDM-1562 - Load ID and Workflow ID are now displayed in the Data Certification Queue.

  • MDM-1550 - Duration is now displayed in the Data Certification Queue.

  • MDM-1040 - Business Object View transitions now support a default sort configuration defined at design-time.

  • MDM-1348 - Enrichers now support the :V_USERNAME built-in variable.

  • MDM-1290 - Reference Pickers now support filters on the selectable records.

  • MDM-1614 - Access to Applications’ features (entity, dashboard, lineage, certification queue) can be limited by role.

  • MDM-2182 - Google Maps enricher now supports Throttle Request to remain below rate quota.

  • MDM-1634 - Data Navigation view supports multi-column sort by clicking on the column header.

  • MDM-2056 - NDV algorithm supported for statistics gathering on Oracle versions 11g and above in the certification job.

  • MDM-1193 - Matching Expression is renamed to Matching Condition.

  • MDM-1355 - New action to suspend (kill) a job running in the Engine.

  • MDM-1519 - Update Purge Job action is moved from the root data branch node to the Update Model Edition wizard.

  • MDM-1939 - Form views are rewritten with a new design.

  • MDM-2038 - Embedded metrics dashboards are added to the application. Powered by Semarchy Pulse.

  • MDM-2181 - Google Maps enricher now expose a response status output.

  • MDM-1805 - Business Object transition definition now include customized Plural Label in addition to the (Singular) Label.

  • MDM-1323 - Deleting a data location now allows deleting all the objects in the data location schema.

  • MDM-1384 - New model validation raises an error when the integration job specified in a workflow does not process all the entities managed in this workflow.

  • MDM-1808 - Field Level Consolidators using a Custom Ranking strategy now support a Skip Null option to skip null values and pick the highest-ranking not null value.

  • MDM-1858 - New Person Name enricher to extract the given name, surname and gender from a person’s full name.

  • MDM-1414 - New OpenStreetMap enricher plugin for address enrichment

  • MDM-1598 - Text enricher now supports double metaphone synonyms as a secondary text output.

  • MDM-2028 - Email Enricher’s Valid Domain and Valid Input Domain now return null instead of N/A for domains that are unchecked.

  • MDM-1926 - New Processing Mode for email enrichers to use an in-memory-only domain cache.

  • MDM-1857 - Phone Enricher supports better localization of phone numbers and detailed return codes and messages explaining phone processing. Support for time zones and carrier detection from phone numbers.

  • MDM-2235 - Autofill feature is made smarter to support acronyms

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-1508 - Upgrading from version 2.1 to version 2.2 generates incorrect validation configurations in data entry workflows.

  • MDM-2079 - UniqueKey validation raises SQL error when key includes a FK to a SDPK entity

  • MDM-1201 - Incorrect Mixed Content Warning error in IE8 with HTTPS configuration since 2.1 upgrade.

  • MDM-1242 - Unclear SQL error raised if data imported in a Decimal field does not fit in size.

  • MDM-1346 - DataAccess API: IDataRow.getValue() returns " for FDN_* view attributes when no foreign record exists.

  • MDM-2146 - Could not open the editor: Invalid SemQL Query Error while parsing expression MastersCount when using Masters Count to order data.

  • MDM-1985 - Task list editor does not take into account the Page Size configuration.

  • MDM-1787 - Missing Parenthesis error when filtering/searching in a Business Object View based on a Business object that has a root filter.

  • MDM-1788 - Entities with a display name containing a foreign attribute appear with the display name altered in forms for checked-out records.

  • MDM-1657 - Newly created editor master records not appearing when clicking refresh on the golden record editor, even after the certification job is complete.

  • MDM-1992 - Details panel goes blank with Firefox 29.

  • MDM-1828 - Enrichers triggered in workflows do not run in the same order as in the certification process.

  • MDM-1670 - An Invalid SemQL Query exception is raised when opening a duplicate management workflow if the user has full read privileges but limited export privileges.

  • MDM-1669 - Model variables are not really available in enrichers and validations.

  • MDM-1792 - An error is raised when using the :V_USERNAME built-in variable in a filter in a duplicate management workflow.

  • MDM-1491 - IllegalArgumentException: Argument cannot be null raised when accessing the Dashboard and an integration batch has related no related job.

  • MDM-1595 - Upgrade process incorrectly enables the Skip Null option on the preferred publisher field-level consolidator.

  • MDM-1597 - Field-level consolidation performance improvement when using Preferred Publisher with Skip Nulls, Largest or Smallest Value.

  • MDM-1616 - My Tasks list does not show the workflow label.

  • MDM-1516 - Inherited entities should not raise a warning on Display name when their parent provides the display name.

  • MDM-1515 - Inherited entities should not raise attribute group warnings when their parent has an attribute group.

  • MDM-1521 - GetDataEditionInfos platform web service raises a metadata property name not found error when filtering by data location name.

  • MDM-1549 - Excessive memory consumption from data access web services

  • MDM-1497 - Documentation indicates non-existing Submit/Cancel Activity WS operations

  • MDM-2049 - Phone Enricher should return the original value if parsing fails

  • MDM-1617 - NullPointerException when using the Google Maps enricher with null parameters.

  • MDM-1558 - Child Records section in data browsing editor is too tall when the page size is large.

  • MDM-1561 - Columns selected in the Data Certification Queue are not saved in the user preferences.

  • MDM-1560 - Data page size should reflect immediately after a refresh.

  • MDM-1577 - Google Maps enricher does not correctly support proxies.

  • MDM-2105 - org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Graphic is disposed error when opening a diagram in the workbench.

  • MDM-1798 - Google Maps enricher should keep HTTP connection to process several records and use HTTP keep-alive.

  • MDM-2157 - Google Maps enricher should define only Address Line as mandatory

  • MDM-2172 - NULL values should sort first or last

  • MDM-1559 - Child Records section does not move correctly when form sections above it are collapsed

  • MDM-1661 - PK_MTA_ENTITY violated error appears when saving a changed entity after an upgrade to version 2.1 or 2.2.

  • MDM-1797 - Data import reports missing privileges on attributes that are not mapped for the import.

  • MDM-2103 - Check box height in forms is inconsistent between viewing and editing mode.

  • MDM-2108 - Consolidation query fails with exception when involving LongText attributes in complex Type.

  • MDM-1582 - Business Object View order is lost when opening the business object view selection in a data entry task wizard.

  • MDM-1554 - Schema Update Fails on Indexes with NoSuchTableException when schema contains SYS_XXX index.

  • MDM-2139 - Mandatory attribute Error while editing a record that contains a value for the mandatory attribute.

  • MDM-793 - Database is queried twice when opening a table view in an MDM application.

  • MDM-733 - Inconsistent management of update date and updator between data entry workflows and integration jobs.

  • MDM-1530 - Model Validation fail with a Duplicate Key Value error after an upgrade to version 2.2.

  • MDM-1509 - HTTP 500 appears on the welcome page when the model is not valid.

  • MDM-1703 - When the data entry generated WSDL contains accents in attributes descriptions or labels, it cannot be parsed and raises a Malformed UTF-8 Character error.

  • MDM-2036 - Text enricher should provide explicit exceptions when the configuration is incorrect.

  • MDM-1977 - NullPointerException when using the Semarchy Text enricher with null parameters.

  • MDM-1628 - Google Maps enricher does not return bounding box coordinates for US addresses.

  • MDM-1463 - Geronimo 3.0.1 and WebSphere Liberty Profile 8.5 are not supported due to classloading incompatibility.

  • MDM-1489 - SemQL functions updated to include Oracle 12c compatible functions.

  • MDM-1539 - WLS 11g is no longer supported by Semarchy xDM.

Version 3.0.1

Known Issues

  • MDM-1925 - DataAccessPermissionDeniedException when accessing a business object view with a root filter using a non-authorized attribute.

  • MDM-2109 - Data export in the applications do not download any file if Firefox is configured with `Always ask me where to save files'.

  • MDM-2201 - In Google Chrome 35+, scrolling a form view that contains an embedded content attribute scrolls the attribute but not the form.

  • MDM-2284 - The application window does not resize if the browser was resized during the loading phase. User must refresh the page.

  • MDM-2295 - ClassCastException when accessing the All Tasks with a user having limited privileges.

  • MDM-2311 - User is stuck on the login page after preferences import.

  • MDM-2323 - Create New button incorrectly inactivated when browsing the lineage records

  • MDM-2324 - Form filter value picker does not work in Data Entry Browsing

  • MDM-2334 - SMTP notification server issue after migrating from 2.2 to 3.0

  • MDM-2366 - Attribute values picker does not work in data search if row level security uses model variables.

  • MDM-2365 - Data export action is available but export fails if the export is not allowed by security privileges.

  • MDM-2361 - Starting a data service on a data location pointing to an undefined datasource does not raise a clear error.

New Features

  • MDM-1959 - Task comments are displayed in the tasks/activities list.

  • MDM-1699 - Tomcat Role Mapper is now available in the release.

  • MDM-2288 - Full Text Search automatically adds % wildcards around the search term.

  • MDM-2321 - Embedded Pulse Dashboards now support horizontal bars

  • MDM-1090 - Support for Edit/Checkout actions while browsing Rejects/Errors (SE,GE)

  • MDM-2317 - Task Overview and History options added to the toolbar of My Tasks.

  • MDM-2237 - Complete and Unclaim button are merged in the toolbar of My Tasks.

  • MDM-1804 - Support for Mixed Authentication. The SingleSignOn parameter in the Context.xml file allows configuring this authentication.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-2315 - ActivityService WS : StartActivity response does not comply with WSDL

  • MDM-2341 - Data Edition is unavailable error after a v3.0 upgrade. This issue is due to a silent validation that prevents the underlying model to be upgraded. To fix this issue, set the following system property on the server startup command prior to the upgrade: -Dcom.semarchy.mdm.logical.boentity.includeUnreachableBOEntities=true.

  • MDM-2312 - Workbench crashes with the following error on a server launched in German: SCHWERWIEGEND: Servlet.service() for servlet [equinoxbridgeservlet] in context with path [/semarchy].

  • MDM-2293 - Clicking Log Out for the current user context menu has no effect until the user clicks in the frame.

  • MDM-2313 - Matcher on ID Matching entity raises exceptions when Binning uses Complex Types

  • MDM-1683 - Pulse Profiling should skip unsupported datatypes (rowid, lob, raw, xml, etc).

  • MDM-2316 - Popup dialog never display for a long text type in a table view.

  • MDM-2309 - Create actions are enabled even if user does not have the create privilege

  • MDM-2320 - java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException error when selecting a referenced attribute in data entry.

  • MDM-2307 - Access to Source and Post Consolidation Errors view, Master and Golden Integration Records view fails

  • MDM-2325 - Unable to edit a Variable Value Provider configuration

  • MDM-2344 - Edit Action not available for record matching row level security filter

  • MDM-2266 - Display attribute validation messages always mention form attributes even for table attributes.

  • MDM-2267 - Visual representation of attributes in the grid at design-time do not have the expected height. Runtime remains unaffected.

  • MDM-2272 - Web services do not start on Glassfish and Weblogic application servers.

  • MDM-2277 - Data Navigation: Customized Sort is ignored unless user defined sort is disabled

  • MDM-2161 - When creating a child record, the reference is not automatically set to the parent.

  • MDM-2351 - Error when browsing a BOView that uses an abstract (used for inheritance only) ParentEntityEO as root

  • MDM-2354 - NoSuchViewAttributeException when defining a Reference Filter on a Reference FormAttribute containing trailing spaces

Version 3.0.2

Known Issues

  • MDM-2109 - Data export in the applications do not download any file if Firefox is configured with `Always ask me where to save files'.

  • MDM-2201 - In Google Chrome 35+, scrolling a form view that contains an embedded content attribute scrolls the attribute but not the form. This issue is due to Chrome Issue #401047

  • MDM-2284 - The application window does not resize if the browser was resized during the loading phase. User must refresh the page.

  • MDM-2295 - ClassCastException when accessing the All Tasks with a user having limited privileges.

  • MDM-2339 - Client Error when switching between Semarchy xDM versions on same server/same browser session

  • MDM-2361 - Starting a data service on a data location pointing to an undefined datasource does not raise a clear error.

  • MDM-2366 - Attribute values picker does not work in data search if row level security uses model variables.

New Features

  • MDM-1506 - Batches with no Job Logs have a nicer rendering in Certification queue

  • MDM-1633 - Sort indicator is now displayed on column headers in table views

  • MDM-1647 - Deleting, editing, multiple-selection and renaming is now supported for duplicate management workflows checkout filters.

  • MDM-1829 - Certification Queue display the user who submitted the load in a new Batch Creator column

  • MDM-1874 - Sibling navigation is now supported when viewing child records in tables

  • MDM-2024 - Better default names suggested when renaming quick filters

  • MDM-2025 - The first page of the duplicate management workflows checkout wizard is now merged in the second page (filter selection and definition).

  • MDM-2077 - Plug-in deployment: The session no longer need to restart and a Diagnose button is available to troubleshoot plug-in installation

  • MDM-2121 - The display of IDs while browsing and editing in Data Entry workflow is more consistent

  • MDM-2187 - The terminology for the privileges is simplified. Privileges types are re-named to None, Read and Read/Write.

  • MDM-2308 - Editor title now indicates the type of view when browsing non-golden records (Master, Source, etc.)

  • MDM-2386 - Specific icons and tooltips to differentiate next/previous page from next/previous record actions.

  • MDM-2392 - New application server certified: Jetty 9.x

  • MDM-2398 - Default configuration files (context.xml and semarchy.xml) include a Semarchy Pulse datasource configuration example

  • MDM-872 - SemQL validators support more attributes when a validation is pre or post-consolidation only. This includes LoadID, FID_xxx, BatchID, PublisherID and SourceID.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-1298 - 403 error page is not displayed when user is not authorized on WebLogic 12c

  • MDM-1514 - Preferred Source is renamed Preferred Publisher for terminology consistency

  • MDM-1607 - Clearer error message indicating privilege requirements for duplicate management workflows

  • MDM-1663 - Client Error Flashing on Logout

  • MDM-1711 - java.lang.IllegalStateException: HttpSession is invalid exception after logout with WebLogic 12c

  • MDM-1925 - Business object using in the root filter attributes with no read privilege are automatically masked to the user instead of having a Read Privilege on xxx is denied error.

  • MDM-2173 - Imprecise outputs from Google Maps (street_address, intersection, airport) are marked as deprecated in the plug-in. A new AddressTypes output list the address types returned by the service.

  • MDM-2311 - User is stuck at the login page after importing preference from another environment.

  • MDM-2323 - Create New button incorrectly inactivated when browsing the lineage records

  • MDM-2324 - Value pickers for filters By Form do not work in data entry workflows

  • MDM-2334 - SMTP notification server fails with mail.transport.protocol property is not set error after an upgrade from 2.2 to 3.0

  • MDM-2365 - Data export action is available but export fails if the export is not allowed by security privileges.

  • MDM-2370 - Record creation fails in data entry workflows with a Query returned 0 rows when 1 was expected error when row level security is used

  • MDM-2397 - Create new record button is available but raises a Data Edition is not in OPEN status error in a closed data edition

  • MDM-2400 - CSV Data Export now includes a validation for the date format pattern.

  • MDM-2402 - Duplicate management button is available but raises a Data Edition is not in OPEN status error in a closed data edition

  • MDM-2403 - SWTException: widget is disposed when selecting data from a reference picker

  • MDM-2404 - FIDs are no longer present in source error views

Version 3.0.3

Known Issues

  • MDM-2109 - Data export in the applications do not download any file if Firefox is configured with `Always ask me where to save files'.

  • MDM-2201 - In Google Chrome 35+, scrolling a form view that contains an embedded content attribute scrolls the attribute but not the form. This issue is due to Chrome Issue #401047

  • MDM-2284 - The application window does not resize if the browser was resized during the loading phase. User must refresh the page.

  • MDM-2295 - ClassCastException when accessing the All Tasks with a user having limited privileges.

  • MDM-2339 - Client Error when switching between Semarchy xDM versions on same server/same browser session

  • MDM-2361 - Starting a data service on a data location pointing to an undefined datasource does not raise a clear error.

  • MDM-2366 - Attribute values picker does not work in data search if row level security uses model variables.

  • MDM-2444 - Incorrect warning Malformed SemQL Attribute Qualified Name. …​ on an advanced search when no attribute is selected.

  • MDM-2480 - Form fields much too small in the Filter By Form dialog.

  • MDM-2515 - "ORA-22813: operand value exceeds system limits" error in the certification job when loading the hub with certain Oracle 11g versions configured with NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS = CHAR.

  • MDM-2516 - "Update On" timestamp is incorrectly set after an edit.

New Features

  • MDM-2531 - Reference picker dialog is now resizable and have maximize button.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-2453 - When using a JDK 8, opening a business object view in an application causes a stack overflow exception.

  • MDM-2478 - Internal Error 500 when running the demonstration platform with a JDK 8: login page compilation fails.

  • MDM-2487 - Embedded Content display type is not available for Text datatypes.

  • MDM-2494 - Reference Form Attributes incorrectly wrap in form views.

  • MDM-2502 - Data export (XLSX) opens in Excel 2010 with certain columns hidden.

  • MDM-2507 - Form View used for data entry only display writable attributes.

  • MDM-2508 - NullPointerException when using SemQL search expression ANY (

  • MDM-2510 - In form views, enrichers using expressions not displayed in the form fail with property 'xxx' is not readableerror.

  • MDM-2511 - Importing a tab-delimited file results in an exception.

  • MDM-2512 - HTTP 404 error appear when the browser lost the connection to the server. Lost connections are now redirected to the login page.

  • MDM-2530 - Inherited validators and enrichers do not appear in the workflow configuration.

  • MDM-2539 - CSV export results in "Illegal Pattern" error and empty export file when an incorrect data pattern is used.

  • MDM-2541 - Notify assignee is now disabled when claim task is checked. Claim Task and Notify assignee checkboxes are now hidden when the transition goes to submit or cancel.

  • MDM-2542 - Workflow Notifications notifies the user when claim task is checked instead of notifying when notify assignee is checked.

  • MDM-2543 - Multi-valued LOV selection dialog does not display code, label and description as expected.

  • MDM-2546 - The "Content Popup" display type used in a data entry form now displays a link to view the content in a popup as expected. The More button allows for editing the content.

  • MDM-2547 - Export does not respect the LOV format selected in the export dialog.

Version 3.0.4

Known Issues

  • MDM-2109 - Data export in the applications do not download any file if Firefox is configured with 'Always ask me where to save files'.

  • MDM-2284 - The application window does not resize if the browser was resized during the loading phase. User must refresh the page.

  • MDM-2295 - ClassCastException when accessing the "All Tasks" with a user having limited privileges.

  • MDM-2339 - Client Error when switching between Semarchy xDM versions on same server/same browser session

  • MDM-2361 - Starting a data service on a data location pointing to an undefined datasource does not raise a clear error.

  • MDM-2366 - Attribute values picker does not work in data search if row level security uses model variables.

  • MDM-2444 - Incorrect warning "Malformed SemQL Attribute Qualified Name. …​" on an advanced search when no attribute is selected.

  • MDM-2480 - Form fields much too small in the Filter By Form dialog.

  • MDM-2515 - "ORA-22813: operand value exceeds system limits" error in the certification job when loading the hub with certain Oracle 11g versions configured with NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS = CHAR.

  • MDM-2516 - "Update On" timestamp is incorrectly set after an edit.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-2575 - IE8 crashes when clicking the Overview tab in the workbench

  • MDM-2624 - Person Name enricher is not present in packaged version 3.0.x.

  • MDM-2651 - Move to Existing Golden action does not limit the selectable golden to those in the current workflow.

  • MDM-2652 - Error when changing the page size in certain conditions?

  • MDM-2659 - CSV import with a client in French locale requires double file selection due to an incorrect date pattern.

  • MDM-2662 - Reference Picker does not display validation errors. It shown an empty field when an unresolved ID is typed in.

  • MDM-2664 - Reference Display Name containing a FDN unexpectedly displays the FID in data entry.

  • MDM-2666 - Number formatting is not used by navigation table for numbers with decimal places

  • MDM-2669 - Create New action in data entry workflows creates the record under the previously selected parent record if the parent record is not explicitly selected.

  • MDM-2671 - Form attribute Date display type behaves as Text display type

  • MDM-2672 - Form Field Help Popup should be shown on Mouse click not mouse up

  • MDM-2675 - Incorrect Encoding the Workflow Notification Email

Version 3.1.0

Known Issues

New Features

  • MDM-0259 - Engine now uses plug-in parameters' types.

  • MDM-0260 - Engine now takes into account plug-ins mandatory parameters, inputs and outputs.

  • MDM-1013 - Design-time object duplication for Form Views, Tables Views, Business Objects, Business Object Views and Workflows.

  • MDM-1018 - New display property to configure the display mode (code, label, both or user-defined) for list of values in form and table views.

  • MDM-1088 - Mass-update in data entry.

  • MDM-1077 - Plugins Parallel Processing

  • MDM-1382 - Design-time workflow duplication.

  • MDM-1520 - Integration web services for publishing data batches.

  • MDM-1590 - Web services MTOM can be disabled for the entire platform using the "com.semarchy.mdm.ws.mtomEnabled" Boolean system property.

  • MDM-1624 - The workflow initiator or administrator can update the label, priority and startup comment of a running workflow.

  • MDM-1658 - Record Checkout and Record Creation privileges are now separated.

  • MDM-1708 - Plug-in architecture for notifications sent upon batch terminations. Built-in plug-ins for JMS, File, HTTP and Email.

  • MDM-1709 - Pulse Metrics configuration and runtime is integrated in Semarchy xDM

  • MDM-1971 - Detailed repository information is available from the "About" dialog.

  • MDM-1972 - Repositories can be named with installing the repository. Repository name appears in the upgrade process and in the repository information dialog.

  • MDM-2126 - Error behavior for plug-ins can be configured with a number of retry and a behavior on error.

  • MDM-2200 - An optional role can be defined on business object views to define the privilege to see this business object view.

  • MDM-2216 - Tomcat version used for the evaluation environment is upgraded from version 7.0 to 8.0.

  • MDM-2250 - Mixing Golden and Master data filters in duplicate management.

  • MDM-2259 - A default record-level consolidator is created when creating a new entity. Switching from a record-level to a field-level consolidator and vice-versa is now possible.

  • MDM-2331 - List of activities and tasks support multiple selection and clickvertizing.

  • MDM-2332 - Recent activities with jobs completed in error or warning now appear on the home page.

  • MDM-2345 - Tomcat Role mapping is documented.

  • MDM-2346 - Advanced security documentation to configure role mapping, OpenID, mixed authentication and SSO.

  • MDM-2350 - Form and table view editors' title show the name of the entity.

  • MDM-2363 - The semarchyAdmin built-in role no longer has full access to models' data. A privilege grant must be created for this role.

  • MDM-2377 - Select Page and Select All options for selecting and managing large data sets.

  • MDM-2390 - Java 6 is no longer supported for the Semarchy xDM application.

  • MDM-2407 - Workflow task comment can be modified while processing the task.

  • MDM-2427 - Filters can be toggled from the Search menu item.

  • MDM-2430 - Multithread support for the Semarchy email enricher and validator

  • MDM-2431 - Multithread support for the Google Maps Enricher

  • MDM-2432 - Multithread support for the Semarchy Person Name Enricher

  • MDM-2441 - Support multiple transitions from Task_A to Task_B

  • MDM-2460 - "Suggest Mappings" is automatically triggered when mapping imported file fields.

  • MDM-2461 - New "ShowURL" display property enables hiding the URL for attributes using the "Embedded URL" display type.

  • MDM-2470 - "About Menu" is reorganized in a more meaningful way.

  • MDM-2471 - Unclutter the Upgrade Window

  • MDM-2490 - New Read-Only option to make form attributes un-editable in data entry.

  • MDM-2495 - A progress bar now shows the data export progress.

  • MDM-2496 - Import and export wizards expose a better way to select the field separator.

  • MDM-2506 - New System Information dialog displays important environment and system information.

  • MDM-2517 - Data edition dialog sets the focus to the first editable field when opening a record for edition.

  • MDM-2525 - Reference picker dialog in data entry can be resized and maximized.

  • MDM-2552 - Multi-valued LOV editor automatically hides the "Description" column is no description exists for the list of values.

  • MDM-2562 - Getting started tutorial now includes Pulse Metrics

  • MDM-2592 - New NumberFormat display property to define a pattern for displaying numeric values.

  • MDM-2628 - Plug-in SDK supports a plug-in execution layer (rowTransformerExecutor, rovValidatorExecutor).

  • MDM-2628 - New CompactMode display properties enables removing the "Clear" end "…​" (More) buttons on attributes for more compact forms.

  • MDM-2646 - Platform upgrade: The System Requirements for Browsers are updated. Refer to the Semarchy xDM Installation Guidefor more details.

  • MDM-2647 - PurgeDataBranch web service now raises an error is invoked with an invalid data location or branch instead of indicating "Zero Rows Deleted".

  • MDM-2655 - Google Maps enricher now supports defining the language for the output address.

  • MDM-2665 - Quick Search now automatically targets the currently opened business object view.

  • MDM-2680 - New workflow lists and editors to easily track the status and progress of the data management workflows.

  • MDM-2682 - Data Paging is now supported for workflow lists.

  • MDM-2683 - Customizable page size for workflow lists.

  • MDM-2691 - Select and open multiple activities is supported.

  • MDM-2692 - Rich table for the workflow lists.

  • MDM-2693 - Table attributes using the Text display type now support the Alignment display properties

  • MDM-2699 - Manage activities (claim, unclaim, complete) from the workflow list.

  • MDM-2700 - Multi-value LOV dialog now shows selected values fist in the list.

  • MDM-2701 - Single-click support in the workflow list.

  • MDM-2705 - Customizable definition of "Recent" for activities displayed on the Home Page.

  • MDM-2706 - SemQL now support function names with 2 qualifiers: <schema name>.<package name>.<function name>

  • MDM-2708 - Ability to open and view activities claimed by others.

  • MDM-2715 - New LovSortMode defines a list of values attribute sort order, by code or label.

  • MDM-2722 - New workflows: the first task is named after the workflow, the alignment of the graphical symbols is fixed and the first task name is configured to show the label only.

  • MDM-2723 - Search dialog now always displays a <Quick Search> entry.

  • MDM-2724 - Better user feedback when a filter is applied. Icon change and "Filtered" indication added on the record count.

  • MDM-2759 - Tooltips on the display type properties.

  • MDM-2766 - Reorganized packaging for Semarchy xDM.

  • MDM-2787 - Add Table/Form Attribute options disappear from the tree view context menu, as specific editors are used to create the Table and Form Views.

  • MDM-2797 - JBoss 6 is no longer supported.

  • MDM-2826 - The workflow name is used in the title of the data entry workflow startup dialog.

  • MDM-2856 - Error indicator now extend to the entire height of multi-line fields.

  • MDM-2862 - Activities are no longer visible when connecting to a closed data edition.

  • MDM-2875 - "Open Model Edition" dialog now shows models in alphabetical order.

  • MDM-2902 - Indicator in the workflow list of the currently applied filter.

  • MDM-2926 - Better handling of activities attached to non-existing/renamed workflows or tasks.

  • MDM-2955 - Add the TRIM function to the SemQL vocabulary

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-2201 - Embedded Content becomes unreadable when scrolling with Chrome 35+ and Opera 22+. This issue if fixed in later versions of these browsers.

  • MDM-2295 - Unexpected error when a user opens a data entry task for which he has no entity read privilege grant.

  • MDM-2366 - Value pickers in the search "by form" or "Advanced" do not work when using row-level security with model variables.

  • MDM-2405 - An existing default filter is always applied in the navigation even when it is not active.

  • MDM-2410 - A single-click on a filter name makes its name editable.

  • MDM-2424 - Enrichment of an attribute that is not visible on the data entry form fails with a "property xxx is not readable" error.

  • MDM-2425 - Clicking the "Previous" button after using "Save and Create Next" moves to two records back.

  • MDM-2438 - NullPointerException when using "ANY (" in a SemQL search expression.

  • MDM-2444 - Cryptic error message when no attribute is selected in the "Advanced" search

  • MDM-2448 - Trying to edit a record in the source error view of a fuzzy matching entity causes a "Failed argument condition: view parameter must have a Golden Id" error.

  • MDM-2450 - Opening a business object view in an application raises a "java.lang.StackOverflowError" if Semarchy xDM is deployed with a JDK 8.

  • MDM-2455 - CSV export results in an "Illegal Pattern Character" exception and an empty export file if the date format pattern is incorrect.

  • MDM-2468 - Data entry form view only displays writable attributes.

  • MDM-2483 - The "Embedded Content" display type is not available for the "Text" and "Long Text" datatypes.

  • MDM-2486 - "Embedded Content Popup" display type should display a "View Content" link instead of the content in editable mode.

  • MDM-2492 - HTTP-404 error when the browser lost the connection to the application server.

  • MDM-2493 - Importing a tab delimited file fails with a NullPointerException.

  • MDM-2515 - SEM_F_SPLIT function calls fail with ORA-22813 on some oracle 11g instances with CHAR semantics.

  • MDM-2518 - Editing multi-valued LOV does not support displaying code and label.

  • MDM-2519 - Records export do not respect the format selected for list of values.

  • MDM-2520 - Workflow notification notify assignee when the "Claim Task" option is checked.

  • MDM-2521 - "Complete Tasks" dialog: "Notify Assignee" is unchecked when "Claim Task" is checked, and "Claim Task" as well as "Notify Assignee" are hidden when submitting or canceling.

  • MDM-2524 - Inherited validators/enrichers do not appear in the workflow tasks/transition configuration.

  • MDM-2568 - "Create New" creates the child record attached to the previously selected parent record.

  • MDM-2573 - Deploying a column size change fails when increasing number of decimals

  • MDM-2579 - The display name for a reference unexpectedly displays the Foreign ID in data entry.

  • MDM-2593 - Formatting for numbers with decimal places in table views is not consistent with formatting in form views.

  • MDM-2594 - Form attributes with a "Date" display type appear as "Text" display type.

  • MDM-2602 - Workflow Validation should prevent two transitions from the same task with the same name.

  • MDM-2619 - "Move to Existing Golden" shows target golden records from previous transactions.

  • MDM-2642 - Reference picker in data entry does not show the error indicator when an incorrect reference ID is typed in.

  • MDM-2643 - CSV Import with a client in French locale raises a date pattern exception and forces the user to select twice the file.

  • MDM-2648 - PurgeDataBranch web service no longer works after an engine restart.

  • MDM-2650 - In certain conditions, changing the page size causes an "Error Notifying a Preference Change Logger: Widget is disposed" message.

  • MDM-2657 - Form attribute help popup should appear when clicking and not when releasing the mouse button.

  • MDM-2670 - Random "Widget is disposed" exception when canceling or closing the "Start Workflow" dialog.

  • MDM-2681 - Built-in attribute localization should follow the client locale and not the model translation.

  • MDM-2685 - The Microsoft Bing enricher returns empty results for known addresses when rate limit is reached.

  • MDM-2695 - "Duplicate Key <enricher name>"" error when deploying a model with a workflow that uses a parent and a child entity with homonymous enrichers.

  • MDM-2697 - SemQL editor for Reference Picker filter on business object views should not display FDN and FID attributes related to the reference being customized.

  • MDM-2704 - Pulse Dashbnoard fails to display on Internet Explorer 9 with a "Client Error".

  • MDM-2768 - User-defined sort is not saved if it uses a table attribute consisting of a SemQL expression using commas.

  • MDM-2770 - Inaccurate message for un-displayable Binary Content in data entry.

  • MDM-2773 - An incorrect files uploaded in data entry for the "Image" display type causes an exception.

  • MDM-2781 - Grid layout editor shows performance issues for large forms.

  • MDM-2789 - When a potential duplicate is detected for an ID matching entity, the "Check out and Edit" option re-opens the current record and not the selected duplicate.

  • MDM-2808 - Reference ID input field do not take the focus correctly on first click with Internet Explorer 11.

  • MDM-2845 - ArithmeticException: Overflow while deploying a new model edition with large sequence values.

  • MDM-2855 - Deployed Model Edition partially created if data location contains function based index.

  • MDM-2906 - Random session crash when editing data in the applications.

  • MDM-2960 - Items in the administration console are ordered alphabetically.

  • MDM-2973 - Data Entry Form Views ignore the Reference Browsing options.

  • MDM-2974 - Phone & Email plugin validators should not consider null phones/emails as invalid.

  • MDM-2978 - When refreshing editor in data entry, the treeview collapses.

  • MDM-2979 - Unable to import a model export bigger than 10Mb. The new import limit is 20Mb. A com.semarchy.mdm.maxImportSize system property enables users to set this limit.

Version 3.1.1

Known Issues

  • MDM-3054 - The Batch Poller does not start with a newly created repository.

  • MDM-3069 - Impossible to open a model edition when a model has several branch.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-2998 - Opening a data application on an open model edition takes too long

  • MDM-3018 - Customizing FDN Display name in a Form View generates a "property XXX is not readable" at runtime

  • MDM-3030 - Web services configured in auto-restart do not restart when the application server restarts

Version 3.1.2

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-3054 - The Batch Poller does not start with a newly created repository.

  • MDM-3069 - Impossible to open a model edition when a model has several branch.

Version 3.1.3

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-2948 - Java.lang.IllegalArgumentException when testing a Notification configuration.

  • MDM-3072 - StackOverflow when enabling a quick filter after browsing through a reference.

  • MDM-3082 - Workflow notifications fail.

  • MDM-3084 - ConcurrentModificationException error when the engine sends notifications.

  • MDM-3112 - The Thread Pool Size defined for the plugins enrichers and validators is ignored by the jobs running in the engine.

  • MDM-3151 - SemQL parsing fails with "Unexpected error while rewriting AST" when using a CASE WHEN syntax.

  • MDM-3168 - The log4j JMS Appender fails with a javax.naming.NoInitialContextException exception.

Version 3.1.4

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-3328 - Closed model editions containing form views with an empty grid layout become invalid after an upgrade to version 3.1.

  • MDM-3327 - Field size is not checked correctly for Primary Keys of type String. This may cause unhandled event loop exceptions when editing the field.

  • MDM-3325 - Keyboard tab order seems random in grid layout form views.

  • MDM-3324 - Element defaultPublisherId is incorrectly specified with data type long in the DataEditionIntegrationService WSDL.

  • MDM-3322 - SemQL and plugin post-consolidation validations validate all records and not only those of the current batch, causing performance issues.

Version 3.2.0

Known Issues

  • MDM-3645 - Semarchy xDM application does not start on Weblogic Application Server 12C. This issue is due to a Weblogic bug.

New Features

  • MDM-1087 - Multiple Match Rules with Automatic Validation and Scoring

  • MDM-1328 - The Claim Task option is checked by default in activities transitions

  • MDM-1688 - Pulse schemas upgrade like data locations and repository

  • MDM-1791 - Configurable match condition to rematch on previous group

  • MDM-1947 - Use a non-blocking dialog when deploying a model edition to a data location

  • MDM-1960 - Support MastersCount in the Duplicate management workflows forms, tables, and filters

  • MDM-1961 - Support "Remove" action with select all in data entry workflows

  • MDM-1963 - Identify group change in duplicate management workflows

  • MDM-1966 - Support attributes from referenced entities in duplicate management workflow tables

  • MDM-1980 - Support lineage relationship in SemQL Expressions and Conditions

  • MDM-2067 - Use literal values instead of SQL binding for some variables of the integration job

  • MDM-2138 - Browse duplicate management workflow content grouped by Current Golden

  • MDM-2159 - Dashboard should support properly measure with zero metrics

  • MDM-2199 - Port the Pulse "Workflow - Duration" dashboard in the MDM Application

  • MDM-2020 - Add filtering and Select All option in duplicate management workflows

  • MDM-2248 - Support duplicate management actions with "Select All"

  • MDM-2306 - Add the golden records' Confirmation Status metric to Pulse

  • MDM-2379 - Localization of the pivot field and measures in Pulse

  • MDM-2399 - Document the configuration of Jetty 9 application server

  • MDM-2406 - Actions in duplicate management workflows should not shuffle records

  • MDM-2408 - Reorganized Duplicate Statistics in duplicate management workflows

  • MDM-2465 - Support user defined PL/SQL functions to prevent SemQL warnings

  • MDM-2497 - Improvements to the "Suggest Mappings" feature in data import to handle references

  • MDM-2649 - Preserve table columns width in applications as part of the user preferences

  • MDM-2769 - Limit embedded Pulse Dashboards content to the content related to application

  • MDM-2771 - New "Download Hyperlink" display type for binary attributes

  • MDM-2815 - OpenID Connect 1.0 connector for Tomcat

  • MDM-2860 - Pulse dashboard axis should not display the decimal places when a metric is an integer value

  • MDM-2866 - Navigation Link to the golden record when golden ID is used in master data forms

  • MDM-2873 - Configurable auto-refresh for activities lists and business object views

  • MDM-2980 - Support "Remove All" action in duplicate management workflows

  • MDM-3000 - Customized search forms for business users

  • MDM-3019 - Configure the search types available for each node of a business object view

  • MDM-3031 - Localization of the values in Pulse

  • MDM-3063 - Workflow overview and list should display workflow submit/cancel date & time for completed task

  • MDM-3102 - Show Information and Tooltip on Pulse Dashboards

  • MDM-3138 - Notify assignee is checked by default when notification is possible

  • MDM-3162 - Support design time ordering of folders and business object views in applications

  • MDM-3181 - Browse duplicate management workflow content using a flat view

  • MDM-3184 - Support sorting when in duplicate management workflows

  • MDM-3204 - Complete a task from the data editing dialog and make the task completion dialog optional

  • MDM-3205 - Hide "Validate" and "Enrich" buttons if no validations or enrichments are defined for the task

  • MDM-3245 - "Demo Applications" in the Getting Started renamed "Sample Source Data"

  • MDM-3253 - OpenID Connect Connector should support web services authentication

  • MDM-3331 - Numeric form fields should raise warnings for invalid numbers and datatypes errors

  • MDM-3343 - Post-consolidation enrichers

  • MDM-3355 - Select the table view used in duplicate management workflow at design time

  • MDM-3367 - Browse duplicates management workflow content grouped by Original Golden, Latest Confirmed Golden and Suggested Group

  • MDM-3394 - SemQL supports :V_BATCHID in enrichers and validators running only in integration job

  • MDM-3401 - Predictable colors scheme in Pulse Dashboards

  • MDM-3433 - Remove in duplicate management workflows

  • MDM-3514 - New SuggestedMergeConfidenceScore, SuggestedMergeMastersCount attributes computed by the matching process

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-229 - Installing and Updating a Model Edition containing SemQL errors updates the DDL before failing during Integration Job creation


  • MDM-1984 - Failed Model Deployment keeps the model marked as deployed

  • MDM-2109 - Null file when exporting (XLS, XLSX, CSV) data from a business object view using Firefox

  • MDM-2284 - User interface main window does not always resize to browser’s window size

  • MDM-2790 - Semarchy AddressEnricher OnDemand does not raise an error if the on demand server is down

  • MDM-2950 - Single-click on an editor tab has no effect in Internet Explorer 11. A double-click is required

  • MDM-2994 - Keyboard tab order in Grid Layout does not work properly

  • MDM-3055 - Duration computed by Pulse Load Job are wrong

  • MDM-3062 - Invalid assigned date in Workflow List

  • MDM-3065 - Scrollbars do not scroll as expected when clicking the track

  • MDM-3072 - StackOverflow error when enabling a quick filter after browsing a reference

  • MDM-3079 - Form attribute type is not re-evaluated after modifying the SemQL expression

  • MDM-3082 - Workflow notification fails with a "No recipient" error even when emails are configured for the roles

  • MDM-3083 - Error on one notification prevents the execution of subsequent notifications

  • MDM-3084 - ConcurrentModificationException while engine sends notifications

  • MDM-3089 - Pulse slicer labels should be shorter

  • MDM-3093 - Handling of acronyms in physical names generation should follow what is done for labels generation

  • MDM-3101 - Incorrect exception logged in console when using LovSortMode = LABEL

  • MDM-3104 - Random http 500 crash when browser zoom is activated

  • MDM-3105 - Editing a record disables the filter currently activated

  • MDM-3110 - Thread Pool Size defined in enrichers and validators is ignored at execution time

  • MDM-3134 - Model name is unexpectedly altered during model import

  • MDM-3148 - The Checkout wizard for data entry workflows does not list user filters

  • MDM-3150 - SemQL parsing fails with "Unexpected error while rewriting AST" when using a case when (case x when y syntax)

  • MDM-3154 - The workflows' "Allow Properties Edition" property renamed to "Editable Properties"

  • MDM-3158 - Opening an existing purge schedule takes the current time instead of the configured time

  • MDM-3159 - New sections in a flow layout are added above instead of below the selected section

  • MDM-3168 - Logging using the log4j JMS appender fails with a javax.naming.NoInitialContextException

  • MDM-3201 - Duplicate Search Menu when enabling quick filter created by reference browsing

  • MDM-3208 - Default values in Pulse Cron schedule should reflect the current schedule

  • MDM-3256 - Excel export renders the attributes' SemQL expressions instead of the names

  • MDM-3257 - Incorrect field size check for string primary keys causes unhandled event loop exception in data entry

  • MDM-3261 - Columns are not properly sized after changing displayed columns when autofit is on

  • MDM-3273 - ID Matching entity with a manual ID should not allow editing of ID after initial record creation

  • MDM-3314 - Missing Consolidation Strategy button when switching consolidator from row-level to field-level

  • MDM-3323 - ".ForeignPublisherID" reference name suffix renamed to ".PublisherID" for consistency in data export

  • MDM-3333 - Guess Mapping button should be enabled only if "1st Line as Header" is checked

  • MDM-3337 - Integer Field using a number format allows entering overflowing values

  • MDM-3340 - Unable to order in descending mode in the form search value picker

  • MDM-3345 - "Master duplicates within a publisher" metric does not appear in Pulse dashboards

  • MDM-3375 - A whitespace at the end of a form attribute’s SemQL expression prevents data import in the attribute

  • MDM-3378 - Google Maps Enricher does not support Proxy authentication. The http.proxyUser and http.proxyPasswordsystem properties are now supported

  • MDM-3393 - Export takes all table view attributes and ignores the "Export Displayed Table Columns" option

  • MDM-3404 - Inaccurate privileges error message when submitting data with an invalid payload to the web services

  • MDM-3416 - The person name enricher data file contains incorrect names, which leads to incorrect name detection

  • MDM-3481 - System information dialog crashes with permanent license Keys (License key without expiration date)

  • MDM-3500 - Model Privilege Grants missing "Allow Checkout"

  • MDM-3576 - Purge jobs are not updated on deployment data locations

  • MDM-3593 - "Unhandled Event Loop Exception" Error on import when the imported file size is greater than 2Mb.

  • MDM-3601 - Right-aligned label incorrectly aligns to the left when wrapping due to its length.

  • MDM-3595 - "Unhandled Event Loop Exception" Error displayed for a plugin when an input or output field name is longer than 30 characters.

  • MDM-3600 - Email enricher returns addresses containing apostrophe’s (single quotes and other special characters) as invalid. The enricher now adheres more strictly to RFC5322: It allows authorized special characters and supports quoted strings.

Version 3.2.1

Known Issues

  • MDM-3857 - The PARAM_ANALYZE_STATS switches to 1 in all jobs after an upgrade to this version. As a workaround, customers should edit their jobs and set the PARAM_ANALYZE_STATS parameter value to 0.

  • MDM-3872 - Email enricher causes load job to fail with javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name [null] is not bound in this Context. Unable to find [null] error after an upgrade to 3.2.1. This appears when the Datasource parameter is left empty in the job definition. As a workaround customer should remove the empty parameter from the enricher and redeploy their jobs.

New Features

  • The default schema name for Semarchy Pulse Metrics is now SEMARCHY_PULSE.

  • MDM-3671 - Logout page made more user-friendly.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-3621 - Confusing validation message reported by data entry for an incorrect data type attribute value

  • MDM-3645 - Semarchy xDM application does not start on Oracle WebLogic Application Server 12C. This issue is due to a WebLogic bug.

  • MDM-3678 - Semarchy xDM does now work with the Microsoft Edge Browser.

  • MDM-3683 - Using "any Children" in a business object filter or a privilege grant condition on fuzzy matching entities causes a validation error

  • MDM-3684 - Data location upgrade fails when entities have been converted from fuzzy to exact matching in previous model editions

  • MDM-3688 - A display name containing a '&' character is not consistent between hierarchy and form view

  • MDM-3690 - Invalid thread access error when uploading plug-in in the administration view

  • MDM-3701 - HTTP headers are incorrectly set in HTTP notification servers

  • MDM-3707 - Unhandled event loop exception appears when re-opening the search view in a workflow.

  • MDM-3712 - The type of the ID attribute of an UDPK entity is automatically changed to string(128) after an 'Alter Entity' action when opening the ID column, even if the action is not saved.

  • MDM-3751 - Generated SQL diverge due to lax SemQL validation (many path expressions inside any/all)

  • MDM-3752 - NullPointerException when opening a Business Object View with a filter created "By Form" saved in the user preferences

Version 3.2.2

New Features

  • MDM-4291 - Default value for PARAM_ANALYZE_STATS job parameter is now 1.

Known Issues

  • MDM-3883 - Error when discarding a record when creating more than one record in a data entry workflow

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-2480 - Form fields are too small in a Filter by Form.

  • MDM-3857 - The PARAM_ANALYZE_STATS in existing jobs switches to 1 in all jobs after an upgrade.

  • MDM-3871 - "Select all" ignores the Business Object root filter when checking out records for duplicates management.

  • MDM-3872 - Email enricher causes load job to fail with javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name [null] is not bound in this Context. Unable to find [null] error after an upgrade to 3.2.1. This appears when the Datasource parameter is left empty in the job definition.

  • MDM-3876 - On an application, if you use required role for an entity view, the semadmin user is no longer be able to see the entity.

  • MDM-3878 - Workflow notification email inverts the Application and Workflow names, and provides obsolete steps to claim a task.

  • MDM-3881 - Chart are not displayed and the UI freeze when opening Pulse Dashboards with Internet Explorer, Chrome versions prior to 39 and Firefox versions prior to 34.

  • MDM-3901 - A "None" Privilege Grant causes Data Entry or import to fail with a com.semarchy.mdm.runtime.data.DataAccessPermissionDeniedException even if the secured attributes are not used in import or data entry.

  • MDM-3903 - Cannot start engine after upgrade to 3.2.1 due to integration batches pending without job instances.

  • MDM-3904 - A Search Form with a large number of parameter does not appear with a scrollbar.

  • MDM-3913 - Browser shows a cryptic {"head":{},"operations":[]} error message after logging in.

Version 3.2.3

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-3955: Data edition on LongText fields fails with a No trespass RuntimeException

  • MDM-3935: The SemQL editor button on the Input Email Address field of the Email Validator Plugin pops up a blocking error

  • MDM-3957: NullPointerException (fitScrollableSizeToForm) issued when opening a Custom Search Form when other search methods are available.

  • MDM-3952: The integration load specific web service persists incorrect values when multiple complex attributes have definition attributes with the same name

New Features

  • MDM-3931: Golden integration records are navigable from the post integration (golden error) records in SemQL.

  • MDM-3945: Additional information provided in the upgrade guide for users having defined attributes with reserved physical names (starting with B_).

Version 3.2.4

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-4054: Singleton are not matched after an upgrade to 3.2.

This version only fixes the upgrade process from 3.1 to 3.2. Customers who have already upgraded to version 3.2 should refer to the Knowledge Base Article that explains how to fix an existing upgrade.

Version 3.2.5

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-4306: "Align merged Exclusion Groups Ids" task merges too many exclusion groups.
    These exclusion groups cause large number of records to be automatically added to duplicate management workflows. This fix changes the integration jobs generation to prevent excessive merges of exclusion groups. For this fix to be effective, you must re-deploy the model in order to force the re-generation of the integration jobs.

Version 3.3.0

Known Issues

  • MDM-4230: Repository, data location or Pulse Metrics warehouse upgrade fails with an ORA-54032: column to be renamed is used in a virtual column expression error.
    This error is caused by a new feature in Oracle version 11g and 12c called Automatic Column Group Detection that automatically creates extended statistics, preventing the upgrade process to rename certain columns in the schemas. Before upgrading a repository, data location or Pulse Metrics warehouse hosted in an Oracle 11g or 12c, it is required to drop these statistics. The procedure for removing these statistics is explained in the Upgrade The Repository, Upgrade the Data Locations, and Upgrade the Pulse Metrics Warehouse sections of the Semarchy xDM Upgrade Guide.

Breaking Changes

  • MDM-3826: Apache Geronimo dropped from the certified application servers list.

  • MDM-4011: Integration web service generateXXXIds operation now requires a LoadID.

New Features

  • MDM-1025: Matching on referenced attributes.

  • MDM-1179: Consecutive plug-in enrichers can be aggregated for single pass execution.

  • MDM-1407: Documentation includes a naming convention.

  • MDM-1588: Plug-in enricher for data lookup.

  • MDM-1843: Documentation includes chapter for advanced datasources configuration for application servers.

  • MDM-2447: Documentation links to the index from every documentation page.

  • MDM-2526: HAVE and HAS are treated synonyms in SemQL ANY/ALL clauses.

  • MDM-2874: Change indicator appears on records in the data entry workflow when the record is modified in another workflow or external load (ID matching entity).

  • MDM-3080: New queryLoadInformation web service operation to query loads and batches.

  • MDM-3254: Source ID generation supports SemQL expression for data entry, import and integration web services.
    For fuzzy matching entities, a different ID generation scheme can be specified for source and golden IDs.

  • MDM-3480: Generated physical model documentation includes a toggle to show/hide internal (non-API) tables and columns.

  • MDM-3565: Matching on child records.

  • MDM-3567: Certification Process changes from a "by entity" to a "by Phase" execution scheme.

  • MDM-3570: Post-consolidation validation can use child records data.

  • MDM-3767: Default value for "Auto-confirm golden record" is now set to 99.

  • MDM-3771: Reference Picker Filter allows using the reference value being set.

  • MDM-3799: Reference Picker Filter supports Referenced.MasterRecord when the referenced entity is Fuzzy Matching.

  • MDM-3880: SemQL order by clauses for custom ranking and additional order by support NULLS (LAST | FIRST) syntax.

  • MDM-3888: High-availability section of the installation guides clarifies the need for sticky sessions for AWS setup.

  • MDM-3947: Fuzzy matching entities support sequences in addition to UUID for generated Source IDs.

  • MDM-3949: Integration web services support triggering enrichers, validations and duplicate detection and optional data persistence.

  • MDM-3951: Continuous loads enable pushing data in a continuous way without load initialization or submission.

  • MDM-3964: Administration guide explains logging (Log4J) configuration.

  • MDM-3965: New section in developer’s guide explains the model development lifecycle

  • MDM-4165: New DupsCheckoutCause built-in attribute in duplicate management workflows to filter records checked out by the user and the system.

  • MDM-4249: Validation and Enricher Plug-in editor only shows mandatory parameters and inputs by default.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-3594: A suspended job does not appear in red automatically in the Administration Console without "moving" the focus to another line.

  • MDM-3758: Test configuration values incorrectly set in the job notification policy test configuration.

  • MDM-3761: "Unknown BusinessObjectViewId" error raised on workflow transition between two tasks that use different business object views.

  • MDM-3762: Business object views disappear from the data steward application in Chrome on Mac OS.

  • MDM-3807: When moving the last publisher upwards in the "Add Publisher Ranking" wizard, the last Publisher disappears from the list.

  • MDM-3938: Client error in the data steward application when reordering columns in the "Select Displayed Attributes" dialog.

  • MDM-4027: Only a single email is sent when a data location has multiple job notification policies.

  • MDM-4028: Validation error when the PARAM_CC parameter is removed from a notification policy.

  • MDM-4052: A FDN link to an entity which display name contains a pipe (|) is not displayed properly in a form view : the link label is truncated.

Version 3.3.1

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-4306: "Align merged Exclusion Groups Ids" task merges too many exclusion groups.
    These exclusion groups cause large number of records to be automatically added to duplicate management workflows. This fix changes the integration jobs generation to prevent excessive merges of exclusion groups. For this fix to be effective, you must re-deploy the model in order to force the re-generation of the integration jobs.

  • MDM-4293: War deployment fails in Oracle WebLogic server with an "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Proxy servlet not properly initialized. httpServiceRuntimeImpl is null" error.

  • MDM-4327: Unable to browse an ID matching entity with an ID attribute using UUID. A "com.semarchy.commons.sql.exception.SQLCoreException: Error while binding parameter xxx with value …​" is raised.

  • MDM-4330: Clicking actions in the Workbench cause "java.lang.RuntimeException: General Error: Actions and ActionDefs are out of sync in the cache…​" errors.

Version 3.3.2

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-3925: Data location upgrade to version 3.2 is very slow.

Version 3.3.3

New Features

  • MDM-4529: Generic JNDI/JMS Connector for the Tomcat Server.

  • MDM-4271: Lookup enricher now supports using the Lookup Value as the Fallback Value.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-4443: Typo ("Tast") in Workflow Task and Workflow Task Duration dashboards.

  • MDM-4395: In the Overview page, the Model Design and Data Stewardship blocks are incorrectly positioned.

  • MDM-4380: Upgrade fails with "SWTException: Device is disposed" when the client session is closed.

  • MDM-4547: Person Name Enricher suggests incorrect first/last name inversions.

  • MDM-4446: Running Pulse Profiling fails with NoClassDefFoundError on spring ConnectionCallback

  • MDM-4582: New continuous load’s Submit Interval is set to 10 and cannot be modified.

  • MDM-4588: Plugin Enricher fails when aggregation is enabled and a condition is set.

Version 3.3.4

New Features

  • MDM-4678: Model variables can be set as job parameters and used in enricher, validation, match and consolidation SemQL expressions.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-4750: Application loading time optimization.

  • MDM-4186: Manually suspended jobs cannot be canceled or restarted when a notification is configured.

  • MDM-4613: Matching process of fuzzy-matching entities is broken if an entity uses inheritance.

Version 3.3.5

New Features

  • MDM-4843: Support for table functions in SemQL conditions. For example:`CustomerId in MY_TABLE_FUNCTION(X, Y)`.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-4811: Engine fails to restart after an OutOfMemoryError caused by an enricher during a job execution.

  • MDM-5089: "IllegalArgumentException: Multiple entries with same key" error while generating a job definition with a match rule having an attribute used multiple times for binning.

  • MDM-4838: Seemingly random "Graphic is disposed" error when trying to view model or workflows diagrams.

  • MDM-5210: User logout does not remove sessions objects from memory on Oracle WLS 12c.

Version 4.0.0

Known Issues

  • MDM-5369: Table display card column cannot be used to scroll vertically on touch devices.

  • MDM-5466: Import does not support image files with accents.

  • MDM-5468: Image resize mode fit does not work properly on Microsoft Edge.

  • MDM-5469: Stepper layout is incorrect in Microsoft Edge.

  • MDM-5495: Apply button not reactivated when switching on/off filters.

  • MDM-5508: Stepper buttons position is incorrect on Firefox.

  • MDM-5536: Breadcrumb is desynchronized when using previous/next and browsing children.

  • MDM-5540: First Login wizard does not display well on small screen size.

  • MDM-5584: Steppers do not display on Safari.

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5589: Binary images do not update when modified unless page is reloaded.

  • MDM-5616: FullText search with a single searchable attribute generates invalid SemQL condition.

  • MDM-5621: Browse business view action on Basic Entities should not allow MD and GE views.

  • MDM-5625: Collections, Forms, Display Cards, Steppers, Actions, etc. can be deleted even when referenced.

Features Removed

  • MDM-4411: Data Editions and data branches are removed.

  • MDM-4836: Removed support for JBoss AS 7.x and GlassFish 3.x

  • MDM-4718: Java 7 is no longer supported. Java 8 is now required.

  • MDM-4239: Search Parameters no longer have a mandatory property.

  • MDM-5475: Applications' Auto-Refresh property, as well as Available Features properties disappear.

  • MDM-5275: Post-Consolidation validations are no longer rejecting golden records, but flag them in error instead.

New Features

  • MDM-4526: Generated application use a new UX based on Google’s Material Design.

  • MDM-4433: Matching Behavior is renamed Entity Type.

  • MDM-4433: New Basic Entity type to support simple centralized authoring/reference data patterns.

  • MDM-3977: Entity Display Name is replaced by a Display Card, which supports SemQL, several text/images, and various aspects.

  • MDM-3977: Form Views are renamed Forms. New form design support Flex layout, Multiple Tabs, Sections and Embedded Collections.

  • MDM-3977: Automatically generated Forms Overview sidebar.

  • MDM-3977: Collections replace table views and now support list, grid, and table appearance.

  • MDM-3977: New set of rich Components replace display types to render/author data into forms fields and tables cells.

  • MDM-3977: Data-Driven Layout and Styling using SemQL in form, tables, and components properties.

  • MDM-3977: Business Views replace both business objects and business object views.

  • MDM-4781: Business view transitions support many paths.

  • MDM-4093: Application provide simpler and intuitive UX for filtering, support built-in search methods as well as search forms, and allowing to save/load and share filters.

  • MDM-4430: Steppers are added to entities to define clusters of authored records, as well as a wizard-like sequence of steps that drive the user through the authoring operation.

  • MDM-4430: Action Sets are added to entities to define groups of operations (creating new records, editing record, etc) available on business views.

  • MDM-4571: Application now support a Global Search Configuration to search through multiple business views from a search engine-like page.

  • MDM-4911: Documentation Side Navigation provides details, changes history (Timeline) and explain consolidation (Value) for form fields.

  • MDM-5327: Inbox in generated applications provides users with a simplified view of their operations in progress or completed.

  • MDM-4161: User Profile in generated applications allows user to modify and manage his preferences.

  • MDM-4526: Applications support branding with a logo, avatar and cover image.

  • MDM-4526: Application Folders organize Application Actions. These actions perform operations such as browsing a business view, opening an URL or the user profile, create new data, etc.

  • MDM-4526: The Navigation Drawer is added to the application to provide shortcuts to application actions and folders.

  • MDM-4843: Support for table functions in SemQL conditions.

  • MDM-5092: Generated Application is regenerated at design-time using a Refresh menu in the application itself.

  • MDM-5411: New REST API allowing data consumption.

  • MDM-5059: Values in list of values now support an image URL in addition to their label

  • MDM-5091: Color used for a publisher in applications can be configured in the model.

  • MDM-4590: Image Library to manage icon and image assets used in applications.

  • MDM-5234: Functions now can be declared as procedures and be used as triggers in steppers

  • MDM-4708: New SEM_CONCAT and SEM_UUID_TO_CHAR functions.

  • MDM-5275: New B_ERROR_STATUS column (ErrorStatus built-in attribute) on SD and GD tables replaces the B_STATUS column (Status attribute) tracks whether a source or golden record is in error.

  • MDM-5275: Post-Consolidation validations are no longer rejecting golden records, but flag them in error instead.

  • MDM-4705: Display record count on all collections, with configuration.

  • MDM-4795: When a data location not in a ready state (requiring upgrade or in maintenance mode), its application appears with a disabled avatar on the welcome page.

  • MDM-5482: Delete action for historized deployments.

  • MDM-5419: Create Application Components wizard accelerates the creation of the various application components required to browse and author a given entity.

  • MDM-5506: Tomcat role mapping supports regular expressions and capture groups.

  • MDM-5505: New `V_USER_ROLES built-in varible returns a comma-separated list of roles of the connected user.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-4750: Improved application loading in deployment environments.

  • MDM-5429: Hint generated in SQL code at an incorrect position in the presence of specific characters.

  • MDM-4565: LongInteger Parameters ignored in search forms

  • MDM-3682: Tomcat incorrectly reports a memory leak with checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks

  • MDM-2339: Client Error when switching between Semarchy xDM versions on same server/same browser session

  • MDM-854 : Legless Golden remain in the hub after due to post-consolidation validations

  • MDM-4435: NumberFormat not working for golden IDs in tables

  • MDM-5271: Unique key validation scope includes legless GI records after a split

Version 4.1.0

Known Issues

  • MDM-5369: Table display card column cannot be used to scroll vertically on touch devices.

  • MDM-5466: Image library import does not support image files with accents.

  • MDM-5468: Image resize mode fit does not work properly on Microsoft Edge.

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5682: Flex wrapping does not work correctly in Safari

  • MDM-5964: Workflows using notifications do not work due to Geronimo Javamail on Tomcat Servers. The geronimo-javamail-xxx.jar library must be replaced by the Oracle JavaMail library instead.

  • MDM-5967: "Collection Step - Import" step trigger incorrectly allows enrichers at design time, which does not work in run-time.

  • MDM-5980: In the workflow transition properties, the assignee name variable editor should not be a SemQL editor but a variable picker.

  • MDM-5993: "Create Application Component" wizard creates delete actions for entities without "Enable Delete"

  • MDM-59955: Model diagram scrolls to the top-left on click when too large for editor

  • MDM-5996: "Create Application Component" Wizard should synchronize generated steppers validations

  • MDM-6012: Record Next/Previous Browsing do not use user-defined sort

New Features
  • MDM-5610: Default label for form field or table column Remove no longer includes "(Name)"

  • MDM-5665: Improved deletion experience with a report indicating references preventing deletion

  • MDM-5679: Row-level security now apply consistently in steppers.

  • MDM-5697: Improved plural labels creation and consistency

  • MDM-5927: Application folder and action editor supports editing labels from tree table.

  • MDM-5926: Action set editor supports editing labels from the actions table.

  • MDM-5924: New node in Model Edition view shows workflows related to a given entity.

  • MDM-5922: GI to MI lineage navigation should be available in post-Consolidation enrichers and validations.

  • MDM-5919: New Server Base URL property in the Application Configuration editor. This URL is used to provide application links in notification emails.

  • MDM-5883: New email notifications available on workflow job completion.

  • MDM-5882: New customizable email notifications available on workflow tasks and transition.

  • MDM-5861: Inbox capabilities expanded to display both direct authoring steppers and workflow.

  • MDM-5857: Workflow startup to create or import records from an application action and from the navigation drawer.

  • MDM-5852: Edit, create or import actions enhanced to support workflows in addition of the steppers.

  • MDM-5803: Images no longer present in the built-in libraries are marked as deprecated and raise validation warnings.

  • MDM-5801: Built-in icon library naming and structure has been standardized.

  • MDM-5782: Workflow instances can be renamed while running by the assignee.

  • MDM-5777: Fixed date picker editing field layout issues.

  • MDM-5759: New time-triggered notification emails available on workflows.

  • MDM-5748: Reference component type now supports the hyperlink display type with autocomplete for editing.

  • MDM-5731: "Powered by Semarchy" caption removed from the navigation drawer, and replace by an About Dialog.

  • MDM-5675: Business entities reference browsing configuration now support a selected form instead of the default form.

  • MDM-5669: The filter panel now hides the filter type selection drop down when only one filter type is available.

  • MDM-5609: Images missing from the library cause validation warnings and are handled at run-time.

  • MDM-5558: The Inbox URL now contains the current tab.

  • MDM-5400: Avatars are now fully supported in chips.

  • MDM-5287: Reference selection in steppers now support a collection in a popup dialog, with an optional search page.

  • MDM-4217: Match rules are displayed under the matcher from the Model Edition tree view.

  • MDM-1399: New Reference Relationship wizard set the Referencing Role Name Plural Label by default to the referencing entity plural label.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-4280: Invalid URL incorrectly redirect to a Customer360 application

  • MDM-4829: Using built-in or model variables in a search form condition generates an error

  • MDM-5469: Stepper layout is incorrect in Microsoft Edge.

  • MDM-5495: Apply button not reactivated when switching on/off filters.

  • MDM-5508: Stepper buttons position is incorrect on Firefox.

  • MDM-5527: Data import fails when user misses read/write privileges on all attributes.

  • MDM-5536: Breadcrumb is desynchronized when using previous/next and browsing children.

  • MDM-5584: Steppers do not display well on Safari.

  • MDM-5589: Binary images do not update when modified unless page is reloaded.

  • MDM-5616: FullText search with a single searchable attribute generates invalid SemQL condition.

  • MDM-5618: Search types not available yet should be clearly marked.

  • MDM-5621: Browse business view action on Basic Entities should not allow MD and GE views.

  • MDM-5625: Collections, Forms, Display Cards, Steppers, Actions, etc. can be deleted even when referenced.

  • MDM-5634: Import with non-existent ID (for generated type) not rejected.

  • MDM-5636: Creating a record with a manual ID should prevent reusing an existing ID.

  • MDM-5640: Unable to set a menu field component value to NONE to nullify the value.

  • MDM-5641: Clicking a form with multiple tabs in the form editor causes a null pointer exception in certain situations.

  • MDM-5642: Graphs view menu incorrectly made available in embedded collections.

  • MDM-5649: Creating new records with row-level security defined causes a NullPointerException.

  • MDM-5650: REST API: query limit parameter returns one extra record

  • MDM-5651: Documented values for REST API $baseexprs are incorrect.

  • MDM-5652: The Create action does not work with row-level security defined on the entity

  • MDM-5676: NullPointerException in the form editor with forms created with the Application Component Creation Wizard.

  • MDM-5680: Data type conversion problem when authoring decimal values.

  • MDM-5683: ID and Image components positioned into forms overlap on small screens.

  • MDM-5685: Incorrect order of the items in the Inbox

  • MDM-5687: Non-Linear stepper should allow moving to any step in the sequence

  • MDM-5689: Disable statistics on automatically generated stepper jobs.

  • MDM-5690: A user without access to the entire model cannot log in to the application.

  • MDM-5691: The "Create Application Components" wizard should add fields to forms in logical order.

  • MDM-5695: Application does not start with certain application server with a customized JAXB implementation.

  • MDM-5696: Unable to select the sheet when importing data from an Excel File.

  • MDM-5699: Import wizard auto-mapping does not work in certain cases.

  • MDM-5701: Authoring form should open with the focus on the first editable field.

  • MDM-5702: Collection Columns appear in incorrect order by default for users that do not have administrator privileges.

  • MDM-5704: Import fails when import file contains both new and existing records.

  • MDM-5705: Unable to display BLOB attribute as an image in a form.

  • MDM-5706: Public REST API returns an HTTP-5OO with a "DataSecurityContext not initialized" stack trace.

  • MDM-5708: Welcome Page becomes unavailable when the generation of a logical model fails.

  • MDM-5709: "Transition <UNKNOWN NAME>"" error when manually adding a transition to a business view.

  • MDM-5710: A quote characters in a label gives unexpected results when used in a chip.

  • MDM-5711: Blob size is not displayed correctly in the VALUE and TIMELINE tabs of the documentation side nav.

  • MDM-5713: Display freezes when scrolling in the model diagram.

  • MDM-5716: Import incorrectly converts certain strings to dates.

  • MDM-5717: Incorrect tooltip: "$ctrl.title" on the application navigation drawer header.

  • MDM-5721: Components created with "Create Application Components" should not generate a warning on validation.

  • MDM-5725: Starting a stepper from an embedded collection fails with "Create Failed".

  • MDM-5727: Setting a form tab to display with "Icon and Label" without setting an icon causes the application refresh to run forever.

  • MDM-5728: Using a TIMESTAMP field in a form generates useless Info messages during model validation.

  • MDM-5756: Global search displays business views for which the user does not have the required role.

  • MDM-5971: When a user leaves a direct authoring steppers with validation errors by clicking a different link in the application, this stepper disappears and is no longer available from the inbox. This does not happen with workflows.

  • MDM-5936: Application fail to start when using a create or import action as the application default action.

  • MDM-5915: V_USER_ROLES built-in variable is not set for an integration job.

  • MDM-5898: Enrichers defined in steppers' child collection steps do not execute.

  • MDM-5894: A Menu component which content depends on another field displays twice the list of values.

  • MDM-5893: Date component does not show the year while editing if the date format uses yyyy instead of YYYY.

  • MDM-5892: The apply button is incorrectly disabled in the filter panel when an existing filter is in use.

  • MDM-5889: Search form should display in application the Search Tip and not the Description.

  • MDM-5886: Application fails to generate when a collection with grid view enabled has no grid tile height defined.

  • MDM-5881: Date component only allows selecting a date set at Dec 31, 1969

  • MDM-5880: Excel export now uses the date format defined in the user profile.

  • MDM-5878: Text component fails to edit decimal values for certain numbers.

  • MDM-5873: REST API fails to persist records with an InvalidDataAccessAPIUsageException

  • MDM-5850: Application cache is not entirely flushed after a Refresh action.

  • MDM-5836: Default user profile is now initialized with a thousand separator according to the locale.

  • MDM-5821: Unable to edit records after navigating through a non-direct transition path.

  • MDM-5813: Excel export generates incorrect data validation rules when the codes contain commas.

  • MDM-5812: Excel export fails when the list of value causes a data validation rule over 256 characters. For this use case, data validations are generated with LOV values pushed to a separate sheet.

  • MDM-5811: Authoring decimal values sometime result in bad decimal result.

  • MDM-5810: Enrichers including the primary key of a manual ID entity fail to run on Step Exit.

  • MDM-5809: Unexpected vertical alignment of editable fields in tall sections.

  • MDM-5808: Helper text using SemQL do not work on form open on Manual ID entities.

  • MDM-5806: Model transitions only are available as embedded collection. Lineage transitions (errors, masters, etc) are missing.

  • MDM-5786: Browser Back button does not support going back to the welcome page.

  • MDM-5778: Stepper with trailing spaces in SemQL Expressions fails to complete with a "No IViewAttribute identified by Name in View [BusinessTerm_SourceDataEntry, Type=SDE]" error

  • MDM-5776: Chip component should take the focus when clicked.

  • MDM-5775: Multi-LOV value cannot be modified using a Chip component.

  • MDM-5768: Clicking outside the import error dialog should not display an "Error during file import" popup but close silently.

  • MDM-5765: NullPointerException when starting an application containing a business object with no icon.

  • MDM-5762: Error view’s Details tab shows empty errors when the default display card of the entity uses FDN attributes in the primary text.

  • MDM-5753: Mass-Update fails when read privilege is missing on certain attributes.

  • MDM-5752: Mass-Update fails when record-level write privileges are defined.

  • MDM-5738: Reference component should indicate when the search text does not match any reference.

  • MDM-5735: Stepper layout is broken when a reference component with a display type Chip displays a large value.

  • MDM-5730: Global search page layout is broken with large logos on certain display sizes.

  • MDM-5729: Display cards of manual ID entities with concatenated fields in the primary text show 'e20' on record creation.

  • MDM-5724: Reference picker showing parent record do not appear correctly when displayed on child records.

  • MDM-5700: Avatar’s does not resize consistently when used in a chip.

  • MDM-5688: Search can be applied even when invalid values are entered in the search form.

  • MDM-5686: Stepper’s header & sub-header do not ellipse on small displays.

  • MDM-5540: First Login page does not display well on certain display sizes.

  • MDM-5058: Google Translate Enricher plugin fails to run if Source Language is not set.

Version 4.1.1

Known Issues

  • MDM-5369: Table display card column cannot be used to scroll vertically on touch devices.

  • MDM-5466: Image library import does not support image files with accents.

  • MDM-5468: Image resize mode fit does not work properly on Microsoft Edge.

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5682: Flex wrapping does not work correctly in Safari

  • MDM-5995: Model diagram scrolls to the top-left on click when too large for editor

New Features
  • MDM-4661: Support for built-in (automatically generated) Form filtering

  • MDM-5422: Breadcrumb in stepper header now indicates the current position in the stepper.

  • MDM-5615: Clearer action buttons for leaving current step in steppers.

  • MDM-5681: Changed naming convention for newly and automatically created objects.

  • MDM-5967: "Collection Step - Import" step trigger incorrectly allows enrichers at design time, which does not work in run-time.

  • MDM-6001: New trigger to enrich each record imported in a stepper

  • MDM-6008: Improved workflow editor state while finishing

  • MDM-6010: Better handling of record persistence errors in steppers.

  • MDM-6030: Handle SSO Logout in ADFS/Picketlink Valve

  • MDM-6043: Application action icons now fallback to the business view icon. The business views and business view transition tabs icons now fallback to their entity display card avatar if it is a literal.

  • MDM-6050: Clicking a record in a collection step now triggers record editing

  • MDM-6051: Support for user-defined sort in steppers

  • MDM-6052: Sort order preserved when editing a series of records in a stepper

  • MDM-6057: Import now support mapping one column to multiple target attributes.

  • MDM-6071: Smoother UX when a workflow transition assigns the next task to the same user.

Bug Fixes
  • MDM-5964: Workflows using notifications do not work due to Geronimo Javamail on Tomcat Servers. The geronimo-javamail-xxx.jar library is replaced by the Oracle JavaMail library.

  • MDM-3922: Error when deleting an application containing folders and business views.

  • MDM-5019: Viewing source errors raises an DataAccessPermissionDeniedException if record-level privileges are used.

  • MDM-5835: Text editing field should not apply formatting while user is typing.

  • MDM-5847: Reference editing field does not handle correctly broken references.

  • MDM-5980: In the workflow transition properties, the assignee name variable editor should not be a SemQL editor but a variable picker.

  • MDM-5993: "Create Application Component" wizard creates useless delete actions for entities without "Enable Delete"

  • MDM-5996: "Create Application Component" Wizard should synchronize generated steppers validations

  • MDM-6012: Record Next/Previous Browsing do not use user-defined sort

  • MDM-6014: Record count in delete confirmation popup is incorrect.

  • MDM-6021: Upgrade Guide is missing from the product documentation

  • MDM-6027: Import wizard should show sample values even if the file has no header.

  • MDM-6046: Unable to export data from a collection step.

  • MDM-6062: Incorrect message when importing a file with Ids to an entity with generate Ids.

  • MDM-6067: Form attributes with a FID expression should not allow the reference component type.

  • MDM-6073: Golden Record Masters Count value becomes inconsistent with actual number of master records under certain conditions.

  • MDM-6075: Mandatory validation in a form fails with StaleDataException for long text and binary attributes.

  • MDM-6086: Editing a long text attribute causes a "Conversion not handled for datatype: longText" in the browser console.

  • MDM-6087: Accents are not handled properly when displaying a long text field.

  • MDM-6088: Form fields in horizontal containers do not expand correctly when authoring.

  • MDM-6089: Form validation fails if the display card uses an avatar stored in a binary attribute.

  • MDM-6098: Reset and Apply buttons in the filter panel do not behave consistently.

  • MDM-6110: Form container disappears when drag and dropping on itself.

  • MDM-6117: Reference attribute navigation does not support selecting a target form.

  • MDM-6126: 'Clear' button does not remove the content of an image form field.

  • MDM-6128: The Value and Timeline tabs in the Field Details for a long text attribute shows '[object Object]'.

  • MDM-6140: Unauthorized application actions appear in the navigation drawer and fail to execute.

  • MDM-6143: Unable to clear a date value in a date picker form field.

  • MDM-6149: Workflow notification message variables reorganized. Refer to the developers guide for the updated list. Default messages uses the new variables.

  • MDM-6172: Job deployment fails with a java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01461 exception when custom hints (PARAM_CUSTOM_HINTS) length exceeds 4000 characters

  • MDM-6247: "Unable to instantiate a notification server" error logged during a repository setup.

Version 4.2.0

Known Issues

  • MDM-5468: Image resize mode fit does not work properly on Microsoft Edge.

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5682: Flex wrapping does not work correctly in Safari

  • MDM-6178: Collection view preferences exported in versions 4.0 and 4.1 cannot be imported into this release. As a workaround, upgrade to this version and export the preferences.

New Features

  • MDM-6297: New action to Explain Record for a fuzzy matched entity.

  • MDM-6555: Empty selections in search form dropdown boxed appear as an empty value instead of "undefined".

  • MDM-6549: Consolidated values are automatically highlighted in collections displaying related master records (using the MasterRecords transition in a business view).

  • MDM-6510: Global Search screen now automatically sets the focus on the Search Text field.

  • MDM-6482: Create Application Components Wizard now displays options depending on the Entity Type.

  • MDM-6473: Steppers are now supported with Create, Edit and Copy actions for ID and fuzzy matched entities.

  • MDM-6430: New Documentation property in entity attributes, complex types' definition attributes, and references. This documentation is used by default when the corresponding attribute is used in a form view.

  • MDM-6422: Record count icon in a collection is replaced by a dynamic record count.

  • MDM-6417: SD_ and SE_ tables renamed SA_ and `AE_`for basic entities.

  • MDM-6405: Default design-time configuration for the business view now shows record count and hide the outline.

  • MDM-6395: Delete action now support selecting a job definition. This job is executed when the direct delete is performed.

  • MDM-6375: New Direct Confirm action to confirm directly fuzzy matched records.

  • MDM-6369: New collection step triggers running on record copy (once and for each record).

  • MDM-6332: New wizards to upgrade duplicate management and data entry workflows to steppers, duplicate managers, and workflows.

  • MDM-6325: New duplicate management UX displays record as well as matching details in the side nav.

  • MDM-6321: New action and editor to Review and Confirm Suggestions. This editor supports confirming, rejecting or modifying the suggestion.

  • MDM-6319: New action and editor to Merge and Split matching groups, using a duplicate manager. This editor allows picking more records in the duplicate management operation.

  • MDM-6313: Merge and split editor also supports overriding the golden record according to the override rules.

  • MDM-6309: Duplicate management operations can be saved for later in the Inbox.

  • MDM-6306: New Duplicate Manager object under the fuzzy matched entities to configure the duplicate management user interface.

  • MDM-6276: Detecting duplicates of records being created is now possible by configuring the corresponding validation in the stepper. Under certain conditions, the stepper proposes to resolve this issue by replacing the new record by the existing one.

  • MDM-6270: Data & time picker component enhanced with icons identifying both pieces of data.

  • MDM-6263: Graph view sidenav now provides an Uncheck All option to de-select all the node types.

  • MDM-6162: Create Components Wizard allows selecting an existing display card instead of creating a new one.

  • MDM-5990: When browsing errors, the Error Details generated tab now appears with an icon when the business view allows it.

  • MDM-5734: Form tabs, sections, and containers have a new Label Width property for fields with a label displayed on the left/right of the value.

  • MDM-5299: ID and fuzzy matching entities' Consolidators are replaced by Survivorship Rules, which include the Consolidation Rules and Override Rules.

  • MDM-5231: Steppers support overriding values on matched entities according to the attributes survivorship rules.

  • MDM-4706: Integration job now supports source data references (SD_) to matched entities pointing to golden records (using their ID) in addition to the references to master records using Publisher ID and Source ID.

  • MDM-3976: Business view transition and root filter now support attributes from all view types (Golden, Master, etc). Business views using in their root filter an attribute not available in a view will not be browsable in that view, and transitions using attributes not valid for a view disappear when this view type is used.

  • MDM-3544: The Mandatory checkbox is now added to the Attributes list displays in the Entity editor.

  • MDM-6521: New Documentation property for the matching rule. This documentation appears in the duplicate manager side nav when the user clicks a match found with this rule.

  • MDM-5718: Data Import performance improvements

  • MDM-6275: Business object views are now moved under entities.

  • MDM-6267: User-Defined Sort is active by default when creating new objects using this property.

  • MDM-6215: Collapsible/Expandable Graph

  • MDM-6213: Support nodes grouping, moving and pinning in the Graph View

  • MDM-6212: Export Graph View as PNG

  • MDM-6208: New Named Queries to define complex REST APIs.

  • MDM-6195: New Browse Entities Folder application action to browse raw entities.

  • MDM-6193: Create Component Wizard now has Enable Authoring active by default.

  • MDM-6192: Support for design-time duplication of action sets

  • MDM-6191: Support for design-time duplication of steppers

  • MDM-6190: The Next/Previous icons are now disabled instead of hidden when reaching the first/last record.

  • MDM-6187: Graph view now support opening business views

  • MDM-6184: Graph View improvements: group by relationship, moving nodes, tooltips.

  • MDM-6072: Job’s Delete phase now only process entities reachable from the integrated entities.

  • MDM-6060: Upgrade Wizard for v3.x Authoring workflows

  • MDM-6056: Pop-up with row counter is replaced by a toaster when importing records.

  • MDM-6054: Sort settings can be configured in steppers for Reference Selection

  • MDM-6017: Table collection view now supports sorting using the Display Card Column.

  • MDM-5944: Collection step data actions are now enabled based on record selection.

  • MDM-5837: New menu item to return to the welcome page.

  • MDM-5820: Authoring fields with a parse error now revert to their previous value on blur.

  • MDM-5802: Stepper Designer now warns when form validations are configured on form open but not on data change.

  • MDM-5798: New contain image mode allows scaling up of image while fitting

  • MDM-5767: New icon defined on the entity used to represent entity records when no other icon is specified.

  • MDM-5732: Configurable default width for collection columns.

  • MDM-5632: Login, logout and error pages are redesigned in Material Design.

  • MDM-5423: Steppers UX now handles empty display cards

  • MDM-5370: Preferences clear/export/import now support data import mappings and data export preferences

  • MDM-5313: Data exchanges are optimized in collections by limiting data retrieval to required columns only.

  • MDM-5305: Collection steps now support creating relationship (Many To Many) records using a specific picker

  • MDM-5201: Count Record is returned instead of the "Record Count" icon when there are no or few records in a collection.

  • MDM-4772: Design-time LOV value image is now used as an avatar in applications

  • MDM-4658: Support disabling engine logging

  • MDM-4303: Support for Advanced Search method.

  • MDM-1441: Login, logout, and error pages branding and customization.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-6604: Role name values too long for ROLE_NAME column.

  • MDM-6468: Steppers fails to run with a java.lang.NullPointerException: no sub level for collection step error when create, edit, or copy is active but the forms in the stepper do not allow modifying values.

  • MDM-6406: Steppers fail to run with a RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: X has to be a sub entity of Ywhen the model contains multiple references with the same value in the Referencing Role Name property.

  • MDM-6399: Checkboxes appear with an orange background or no background in tables containing more than one checkbox column.

  • MDM-6359: Resizing columns throws "No more data to read from socket" when the collection has many columns.

  • MDM-6352: Form search seems to ignore filtering with technical attributes.

  • MDM-6344: CREATE_LOAD_AND_SUBMIT REST API action throws an error 500 (Unexpected Error) when loading multiple records.

  • MDM-6331: Filtering by form fails for entities with a large number of attributes.

  • MDM-6327: Autocomplete capability during import should be case insensitive

  • MDM-6298: An error 500 Internal Server Error is incorrectly thrown after application server startup but before the application is initialized.

  • MDM-6294: Model Import-Replace fails with ObjMgrValidationException: An ownership reference or property cannot be owned by a null object.

  • MDM-6290: A user with Model Design Read-Only privileges can edit and save form views.

  • MDM-6288: Form search values do not use the Business View root filter.

  • MDM-6269: The Date Picker component error is incorrect when an incorrect time is entered.

  • MDM-6272: When importing data, the Import Mappings make additional suggestions after the initial ones.

  • MDM-6244: OnParentCreate/OnParentEdit tabs should be hidden from the stepper editor for root collection steps

  • MDM-6231: DefaultWorkflowNotificationService logs a SQLCoreException in the console during repository setup.

  • MDM-6203: Value picker field fails when used from authoring with a loadId must be defined for SDE or SDL view typeserror.

  • MDM-6189: When switching from grid to list view in a collection, the menu button is incorrectly disabled.

  • MDM-6174: The Refresh menu action never works for an application refreshed once a broken model.

  • MDM-6166: Data export is incorrectly made available when table view is not allowed.

  • MDM-6164: Configured height is not used properly when displaying a non null binary.

  • MDM-6136: Importing Data incorrectly issue an "Import Canceled" dialog although records are imported.

  • MDM-5995: Model diagram scrolls to the top-left on click when it is too large for the editor.

  • MDM-5823: Object component with Content mode (e.g. Google Maps…​) do not display in Microsoft Edge.

  • MDM-5774: Direct Authoring should be private and not accessible to other users.

  • MDM-5474: Folders content should be sorted by position or label based on Application Sort Strategy.

  • MDM-5369: Table display card column does now allow vertical scrolling on touch device.

Version 4.2.1

Known Issues

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5682: Flex wrapping does not work correctly in Safari

  • MDM-6178: Collection view preferences exported in versions 4.0 and 4.1 cannot be imported into this release. As a workaround, upgrade to this version and export the preferences.

New Features

  • MDM-6751: New wrapper realm for Apache Tomcat for easy management of authentication and authorizations

  • MDM-6743: Engine Job Log Level how defaults to Exclude Skip Tasks. Deployment repositories are created with a No Taskconfiguration.

  • MDM-6744: The Tomcat Role Mapper now supports the keepMappedRoles or keepUnmappedRoles options to keep or remove original roles. These options replace the deprecated replaceRole option.

  • MDM-6808: The Publisher ID is now shown in the display cards and the Values screen of the Explain Record editor.

  • MDM-6873: Memory usage optimization when using plugin enrichers with multithreading (Thread Pool Size) enabled.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-3469: SQLException "ORA-01722: invalid number" when using a FID_xxx attribute in a SemQL expression on the master data view.

  • MDM-5933: Inbox is slow to display.

  • MDM-6409: Graph randomly stops handling clicks.

  • MDM-6711: Certified platforms (application servers) update.

  • MDM-6738: A SQL exception is raised by the Consolidate singleton master records into GI table integration job task when a fuzzy matching entity uses the Always Authored in the MDM override strategy.

  • MDM-6739: A duplicate manager or a explain record action using a form (or collection) containing a built-in attribute fails to start.

  • MDM-6742: Country is never saved in the user profile.

  • MDM-6744: Users with a long list of roles are unable to submit data changes. Starting with this release, the list of roles set in the V_USER_ROLE job variable is truncated to 4000 characters.

  • MDM-6755: Stepper option Skip to child creation on Parent Create has no effect in certain complex steppers.

  • MDM-6756: When a mandatory attribute is populated by an enricher copying the value from another attribute, the mandatory validation is still displayed.

  • MDM-6757: Date picker authoring component should not be populated with the current date when clicked.

  • MDM-6758: Deleting the value of a date picker authoring component using backspace key triggers an incorrect form validation.

  • MDM-6760: Object display type used in a form for an empty text field shows the Welcome page.

  • MDM-6763: The Tomcat Role Mapper configuration does not expose the regexEnable parameter to activate regular expression support in the role mapping.

  • MDM-6765: Unable to finish a workflow from the Inbox.

  • MDM-6775: Model validation fails with the validation report showing An internal error occurred during "Validate".

  • MDM-6778: An upgraded model using Publisher Ranking consolidation cannot be imported using import-replace.

  • MDM-6795: The Timeline shows an incorrect date (1970) for changes made in a workflow.

  • MDM-6796: Integration job fails on the Reset override values for …​ rules with changed values task for an entity using the Override Until Consolidated Value Changes override strategy.

  • MDM-6800: Deleting a continuous load fails with a "ContinousLoad cannot be cast to IntegrationLoad" exception.

  • MDM-6809: "Explain record" action does not work if a record has a suggestion.

  • MDM-6811: Advanced search indicates integer values as invalid when not entered with the thousand separator.

  • MDM-6820: Form validation never seem in sync for DETECT_DUPS validations.

  • MDM-6822: All Master to Golden edges have a tooltip indicating "Match Group: Undefined" in the Explain Records and Duplicate Management graph.

  • MDM-6823: Updating a basic entity record with a Sequence ID using the REST API fails with an Unexpected Error.

  • MDM-6824: Embedded collections fail to load when used in forms appearing in popup dialogs.

  • MDM-6826: SemQL-generated IDs computed from referenced entities' attributes cause the application to crash.

  • MDM-6828: The SemQL expression does not appear in the documentation side nav for certain calculated fields.

  • MDM-6834: Upgrade guide explains how to solve data location upgrade failing with ORA-54032

  • MDM-6870: Data export feature ignores the export limit configured in the administration console.

  • MDM-6871: An embedded URL application actions starts loading the application home page before replacing it with the embedded URL.

  • MDM-6876: Unable to deploy a model or refresh an application because of a missing default form view.

  • MDM-6889: Missing model validation error for the Explain Record action when entity type does not support this action

  • MDM-6891: Application fails to load if configuring a non FDN expression with a Reference Component Type

  • MDM-6892: Form Preview fails with a NullPointerException when form attributes uses the Custom Label option with an empty Label.

  • MDM-6897: Starting a stepper to create a record overloads the application server’s memory.

  • MDM-6906: A Model upgraded from version 3.3 to version 4.2.0 fails deployment with a NullPointerException and the following error Unable to generate the Runtime Model. Please validate your design model and fix the validation errors first. (Message reported by logger com.semarchy.ui.commons.util.editors.EditorUtility), but the design-time validation does not raise any error.

Version 4.2.2

Known Issues

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5682: Flex wrapping does not work correctly in Safari

  • MDM-5723: Browsing an entity with a special character in the ID fails with an HTTP-500 Internal Server Error.

  • MDM-6178: Collection view preferences exported in versions 4.0 and 4.1 cannot be imported into this release. As a workaround, upgrade to this version and export the preferences.

New Features

  • MDM-6895: REST API caching using HTTP ETag

  • MDM-6902: Improved metadata caching in the browser.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-6831: Pulse Profiling fails to run with a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/collect/ImmutableMap error.

  • MDM-6915: Pulse Profiling packaging is fixed. Pulse Profiling User Guide is now included in the documentation, Metrics Dashboard Excel File is removed.

  • MDM-6921: Loading an application is slow when the application exposes a subset of a large model.

  • MDM-6928: Custom search shows "CustomSearchController_Undefined_LovValue" instead of the "empty" value for LOVs.

  • MDM-6932: Editing a record fails with No value supplied for the SQL parameter when a privilege grant uses a model variable.

  • MDM-6933: Editing a record fails with bad SQL grammar and ORA-00918: column ambiguously defined errors due to duplicate generated column aliases.

  • MDM-6937: Golden record error status is not correctly updated when the golden record is fixed by subsequent data loads.

Version 4.3.0

Known Issues

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5682: Flex wrapping does not work correctly in Safari

  • MDM-5723: Browsing an entity with a special character in the ID fails with an HTTP-500 Internal Server Error.

  • MDM-7190: Authoring a text field with an UUID or a Date in ISO-8601 format cause a BadSqlGrammarException.

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be on the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

New Features

  • MDM-1946: Improved consistency for IDs & referenced IDs SemQL expressions.

  • MDM-2622: Review and fixed auditing columns content (Create Date, Creator, Update Date, Updator).

  • MDM-3674: Purge jobs execution no longer blocks integration jobs execution.

  • MDM-3953: Purge now handles all canceled loads' data.

  • MDM-4514: PDE error log easier to access in the workbench menu.

  • MDM-5639: Form preview is moved to a workbench view called outline.

  • MDM-5359: Reference to the parent record is read-only when this reference is forced (for example when authoring a child record with its parent).

  • MDM-5361: Improved storage and synchronization of batches information in the data location.

  • MDM-5737: Containers in forms can be named like tabs and sections.

  • MDM-5745: New application property to configure the Application Title Color.

  • MDM-5804: Certify OpenID Connect on Tomcat 8.5.

  • MDM-6077: Improved automated synchronization of validations used in Steppers to avoid warning during model validation.

  • MDM-6274: Individual image file import support in the Image Library.

  • MDM-6324: Hierarchy browsing configuration in business views.

  • MDM-6349: Improved import automapping to support any file exported from the applications.

  • MDM-6418: Master value picking for value overrides.

  • MDM-6652: Data location purge schedule configuration is moved to each data location.

  • MDM-6707: Support mass-updating when authoring golden records in ID and fuzzy matched entities.

  • MDM-6708: Support golden records import in ID and fuzzy matched entities.

  • MDM-6715: New Target Database property on a model.

  • MDM-6766: Support hierarchies in business views browsing.

  • MDM-6777: The type of the repository and data location columns storing boolean values is changed from VARCHAR(1) to CHAR(1) in Oracle.

  • MDM-6805: Extend the purge process to support all required data.

  • MDM-6825: The binning expression and match condition fields are hidden by default in the details side nav displayed when clicking a match edge in the matches graph.

  • MDM-6833: Golden records deleted when they lose all their master records are now tracked as deleted golden records.

  • MDM-6842: Integration jobs capture golden and master history for historized entities.

  • MDM-6849: The Workbench now prompts for unsaved editors when validating or deploying a model.

  • MDM-6850: The Filter Panel now supports pressing ENTER from a search field to immediately apply a filter.

  • MDM-6852: User can use the Density preference to make the browsing experience more compact in an application, to accommodate smaller screens.

  • MDM-6859: The "Count" string is removed from the value pickers when filtering.

  • MDM-6860: Built-in search forms height is more compact.

  • MDM-6893: "All Applications" menu item supports opening in a new window

  • MDM-6987: Improved user experience for model validation, supporting an issue deatils dialog and validation report export.

  • MDM-7040: FDN_ fields are supported in SA and SD records even when the referenced record was not loaded in the same load.

  • MDM-7045: Support data creation and edit on behalf of publishers.

  • MDM-7068: Support data authoring on behalf of a publisher from the Source Authoring With Error browsing view type.

  • MDM-7069: Support data import on behalf of publishers.

  • MDM-9071: Support data mass-update on behalf of publishers.

  • MDM-7083: Support browsing data history in the applications.

  • MDM-7108: Workflow transition now support an Enable Delete property to enable record deletion into the next task’s stepper

  • MDM-7175: Improved mapping suggestions in data import to match more headers.

  • MDM-7188: Design-time PL/SQL Functions are renamed Database functions

  • MDM-7314: New semarchy.xml sample files for postgreSQL and Oracle are available in the `mdm-server/conf/samples/ folder.

  • MDM-7337: Preconfigured datasource RETAIL_PRODUCT_MDM is renamed to PRODUCT_RETAIL_MDM. Preconfigured CUSTOMER_B2C_MDM datasource is added.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-4376: Workbench raises an Unhandled event loop exception: Argument not valid error when opening an application editor.

  • MDM-5945: Images library import dialog is not correctly not localized.

  • MDM-6689: Sorting sometimes causes a toggle sort impossible, non-existing column error to appear in the browser console.

  • MDM-6804: Export model documentation raises java.util.MissingResourceException errors in the server log due to unknown labels

  • MDM-6807: Export model documentation has missing and extra tables in the Physical Model

  • MDM-6877: Clicking the Attributes section in the Survivorship Rules editor causes a No UITablePageDef for class: SurvivorshipRuleAttribute error dialog.

  • MDM-6908: Missing model validation when Skip Nulls is enabled for the ID Survivorship Rule.

  • MDM-6910: Non-mandatory parameters in named queries cause HTTP-500 errors when no default value is defined.

  • MDM-6931: NullPointerException error occurs when closing and reopening the workbench properties view.

  • MDM-6935: List of values incorrectly allow importing blank values, which causes model validation issues.

  • MDM-6946: Plugin execution incorrectly raises errors instead of skipping the task if an exception is thrown during the plugin setup phase.

  • MDM-6976: Stepper editor does not show the System Properties section.

  • MDM-6977: Steppers do not persist enriched values if they are not displayed in the form.

  • MDM-6978: Workflow upgrade wizard shows internal names for the upgrade targets.

  • MDM-6979: Workflow upgrade wizard does not provide a feedback after the upgrade completes.

  • MDM-6980: Steppers generated with the Workflow upgrade wizard do not contain all transitions for certain business views.

  • MDM-6982: Workflow upgrade only creates the edit actions and misses the create action.

  • MDM-6983: Workflow upgrade generates incorrect email notifications that cause model validation errors.

  • MDM-6984: Workflow upgrade creates duplicate managers using view types not supported by the selected collection.

  • MDM-6995: REST API parameters are incorrectly documented. Parameters ($orderBy, $baseExpr) are case sensitive.

  • MDM-7009: In a duplicate manager, the clicking the avatar of the first row should not select the record

  • MDM-7010: A duplicate manager using a form with an embedded collection fails to start with a Merge or Split failed error.

  • MDM-7014: Unable to scroll down on a Global Search result page with Firefox and Edge.

  • MDM-7021: Menu form component’s property UseAvatarInMenu is not correctly externalized and documented.

  • MDM-7034: Manually editing a date on a form with two date fields resets the second date field.

  • MDM-7039: All values for a reference field appear as null in the timeline

  • MDM-7042: Empty list of values fields appear with a floating label in custom search forms.

  • MDM-7119: Tomcat tools Connector does not properly log out an ADFS authentication session.

  • MDM-7124: Unable to remove an attribute from a survivorship rule if it has been renamed

  • MDM-7171: When selecting a collection in a form’s embedded collection, the Allow Table/List/Grid flags should reset to the collection’s values.

  • MDM-7174: When deleting a component in the form editor, the confirmation dialog does not show a meaningful component name.

  • MDM-7189: Entities containing attributes with UUID generate an error in the reponse to a REST API call to persist data

  • MDM-7191: Remove parent record reference from import mapping when import is performed from the parent record.

  • MDM-7197: A PK violation error is raised during the checkout if a stepper uses two references to the same entity

  • MDM-7252: Sort expression in a reference picker dialog cannot be defined as the SemQL editor uses the wrong entity.

Version 4.3.1

Known Issues

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5682: Flex wrapping does not work correctly in Safari

  • MDM-5723: Browsing an entity with a special character in the ID fails with an HTTP-500 Internal Server Error.

  • MDM-7190: Authoring a text field with an UUID or a Date in ISO-8601 format cause a BadSqlGrammarException.

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be on the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

New Features

  • MDM-7294: Binary datatype is now supported in plugin inputs and outputs.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-7282: Mass-update fails with PostgreSQL with a SQL Exception.

  • MDM-7284: Parent entity’s FDN value incorrectly falls back to the current record ID in forms.

  • MDM-7297: An attempt to persist a shortinteger value using the REST API causes java.lang.ClassCardException.

  • MDM-7299: Sorting using reference columns has no effect on Source Authoring With Errors (SAWE) views.

  • MDM-7316: Export from a stepper authoring master data fails if the table contains the SourceID column.

  • MDM-7325: Form attributes' Default Value Data Type property is overwritten when opening the form in the Workbench.

  • MDM-7353: Application fails to load with ViewType SD4L does not exist for …​ with EntityType:BASIC when a stepper contains a basic entity as a child of a matched entity.

  • MDM-7358: Application fails to load with java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: referencing context must have a SA4L viewType when a matched entity’s stepper first level contains a form step with a reference to a basic entity with filtering active.

  • MDM-7362: Card is incorrectly positioned after a drag and drop in the duplicates management graph.

  • MDM-7363: Validations and Enrichers on stepper’s child form steps cause incorrect model validation errors.

Version 4.4.0

Known issues

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5682: Flex wrapping does not work correctly in Safari

  • MDM-5723: Browsing an entity with a special character in the ID fails with an HTTP-500 Internal Server Error.

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be on the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7444: Upgrading a data location stored in an Oracle 12c instance from version 4.2 to version 4.3 fails with an ORA-38824error. Please contact support for a workaround.

  • MDM-7449: Navigating through an embedded collection in a business view when browsing the Masters view fails with an <entity name> with id …​ not found error. As a workaround, use a visibility condition using the ViewType = 'GD' built-in attribute to hide such a collection for the Masters view.

  • MDM-7472: Infinite loading when navigating child record from a tab when browsing a record in error.

  • MDM-7609: With PostgreSQL, a binding (named query or search parameter, model or platform variable) of type UUID or timestamp used in a SemQL condition similar to BINDING is null and BINDING = <value> fails with a BadSqlGrammarException. This issue is due to a known PostgreSQL JDBC Driver bug. Customers facing this issue must consider upgrading their PostgreSQL driver to the latest released version.

  • MDM-7634: When using the API to find possible matches, enrichers using FDN attributes fail to run with an Enricher …​ is not usable in this context fault. As a workaround, use the FID attributes in the enrichers.

  • MDM-7697: Search types are displayed with incorrect labels in the global search configuration. 'Full-text' search appears as 'TEXT_1'.

Breaking Changes

  • MDM-7402: We will be decommissioning support for the version 10g of the Oracle Database. In this release, this database is marked as “decommissioned” in the documentation, and starting the next major release, it will no longer be supported for the repository and data locations.

New Features

  • MDM-1080: "User Language" is now available in SemQL as a built-in variable.

  • MDM-3041: Oracle JDBC driver 12c replaces the 10g version shipped with Semarchy xDM.

  • MDM-3419: New Date datatype replaces Datetime. Refer to the upgrade guide for more details about this change.

  • MDM-4114: "Open Link in New Tab", "Open Link in New Window" or "Copy Link Location" browser features are now supported by references links.

  • MDM-5084: Image and icon properties in form and collection editors now support a specific design-time field for selecting an image from the library.

  • MDM-5161: User Profile properties are now available in SemQL as V_USER_xxx built-in variables.

  • MDM-6006: New markdown browsing and authoring component.

  • MDM-6271: Improved date time picker component used in the applications.

  • MDM-6280: Improved tooltips when hovering cells in table views.

  • MDM-6640: Java 9 is now supported and certified.

  • MDM-6780: New ViewType built-in attribute returns the current view (GD, MD, etc).

  • MDM-6801: New Name property on continuous loads. This name can be used in REST and SQL to publish data into this load.

  • MDM-6802: Continuous loads now process duplicate management operations (loaded in the UM tables).

  • MDM-6855: Search fields are reorganized and grouped in the built-in search form.

  • MDM-6857: New quick search component for search fields in the built-in search form.

  • MDM-6926: Mass-update now supports reference selection using the reference selection dialog in addition to the autocomplete.

  • MDM-6938: Customer search forms' search parameters with a "Value-picker" display type now sort distinct values.

  • MDM-6944: The "dot dot dot" menu is not labeled Options.

  • MDM-6960: Google Maps Enricher plug-in now supports using an API Key in addition to the Client ID and Signature.

  • MDM-6997: Better default ordering of the actions generated in the actions sets.

  • MDM-7286: Filtering is now supported for any collection of a business view (not only the root collection). This includes child and embedded collections.

  • MDM-7298: The import wizard now displays a loader while waiting for data preview.

  • MDM-7324: The application folders now have a List view in addition to the Grid to display the contents of the folder.

  • MDM-7328: The application folders now have a quick search field to filter the contents of the folder.

  • MDM-7359: Application generation optimization: Steppers are not generated when they are not referenced by any action.

  • MDM-7372: Improved automated layouting for the duplicate management graph to avoid overlapping nodes.

  • MDM-7381: PostgreSQL empty strings are automatically standardized to null in data locations by the integration job.

  • MDM-7389: New table view in duplicate managers to review and manage large match groups and suggestions.

  • MDM-7489: New Table View Collection property on duplicate managers to enable the table view feature.

  • MDM-7401: The Tomcat tools jar file version number is now aligned with the compatible Tomcat version, and no longer with the Semarchy xDM product version.

  • MDM-7424: The integration jobs' PARAM_ANALYZE_STATS parameter now support configuring PostgreSQL’s VACUUM ANALYZEcommand.

  • MDM-7475: New Synonyms Separator parameter to configure the separator for the list of synonyms returned by the Text Enricher plugin.

  • MDM-7521: The job notification variables available are now documented in the Administration Guide.

  • MDM-7571: New PARAM_PLUGIN_ENRICHERS_UPDATE_BATCH_SIZE job parameter to configure batch update size for plugin enrichers.

  • MDM-7624: New Validate context menu action on duplicate managers in the Workbench.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-4363: HTTP Notifications server incorrectly treats an HTTP-202 response as an error.

  • MDM-4365: A useless FrameworkEvent error appears in the application console when performing a fresh repository installation. This error has no impact and the installation is correctly performed.

  • MDM-4875: A duplicate "Deprecated Street Address" appears in the Google Maps Enricher outputs.

  • MDM-6517: Built-in Search Forms do not allow selecting FALSE boolean values.

  • MDM-6879: The Names Enricher plugin does not log useful strings.

  • MDM-7117: The model validation does not catch invalid Candidate Assignee Lookup Tasks.

  • MDM-7118: A SemQL Validation with a condition like ANY OnePath.ManyPath HAS ( Attr2 = ParentRecord.Attr1) does not trigger in a stepper when the value of Attr1 changes.

  • MDM-7190: Authoring a text field with a UUID or a Date in ISO-8601 format cause a BadSqlGrammarException.

  • MDM-7192: Unable to log out from the welcome page when the connected user has no access to an application or to the workbench.

  • MDM-7272: New business view transitions use a book icon by default instead of the entity icon.

  • MDM-7301: Incorrect error message for the invalid references in the stepper validation report.

  • MDM-7307: Built-in search form displays "No match found" for booleans.

  • MDM-7317: Exporting an empty table fails with java.lang.IllegalStateException: No data to export! instead of exporting a file with headers only.

  • MDM-7334: Using Oracle reserved keywords as attribute names causes BadSQLGrammarException errors.

  • MDM-7340: Unable to upload jpeg file using the image library upload dialog.

  • MDM-7344: No data found error when browsing a record with a manual ID containing 2 or more slashes (/).

  • MDM-7365: The order of the actions created is inconsistent when using the Create Application Component Wizard or the Create Default Actions Wizard.

  • MDM-7366: Semarchy xDM preconfigured version cannot be accessed when installed on an Oracle 12c ( database fails because of the Oracle JDBC driver shipped with the product.

  • MDM-7383: Missing validation to prevent empty SemQL conditions for Transition Node Visible and Enable Hierarchy Viewproperties in a business view.

  • MDM-7388: Incorrect feedback for format-related issues when authoring manual IDs.

  • MDM-7399: Explain editor for suggestions does not display master records.

  • MDM-7400: The server incorrectly logs a com.semarchy.commons.sql.exception.SQLCoreException at startup for a new installation, before creating the repository.

  • MDM-7413: Viewsing the Form Preview causes useless exceptions to be logged.

  • MDM-7443: Adding records to a merge and split operation always return an empty collection if Delete Enabled is selected for the entity.

  • MDM-7448: The workflow transition dialog is too small for large transition labels.

  • MDM-7451: Tooltips do not appear for some buttons in Firefox.

  • MDM-7452: A business view transition to the master records fails to appear with a BadSqlGrammarException error if the entity contains a binary attribute.

  • MDM-7461: The workflow upgrade wizard fails to process certain workflows with a NullPointerException.

  • MDM-7474: Built-in search form shows "No match found" for every field after selecting a value in a date field. A BadSqlGrammarException is logged.

  • MDM-7477: The width of a business view Hierarchy panel cannot be reduced below its content width with Firefox.

  • MDM-7488: The golden record display card in a duplicate manager should automatically include the golden ID.

  • MDM-7500: PostgreSQL keywords should be disallowed in physical names to avoid BadSqlGrammarException.

  • MDM-7503: All search fields in the built-in forms show "No match found" with PostgreSQL.

  • MDM-7504: Authoring a fuzzy-matching entity record with the publisherID attribute in a match condition fails with a com.semarchy.mdm.runtime.semql.sqlgen.InvalidSemQLException: Invalid join condition error when the DETECT_DUPS validation is activated in the stepper.

  • MDM-7510: The import completion toaster displays twice.

  • MDM-7513: An application fails to load with the following exception: java.lang.NullPointerException at com.semarchy.mdm.dataui.domain.appmodel.impl.security.BrowsingActionSetSecurityProcessor.processEditAction(BrowsingActionSetSecurityProcessor.java:191)

  • MDM-7519: Cannot export the model documentation when a step in a stepper use a procedure trigger.

  • MDM-7527: A filtered request to a named query made with a role without full access to the model receives empty results for child multi-record properties.

  • MDM-7536: A reference picker field in a custom search form returns "No match found" if the business view has a root filter defined.

  • MDM-7541: The search dialog when opening a Business View should support ENTER to trigger the search.

  • MDM-7578: org.apache.cxf.services replaces `org.apache.cxf.interceptor for REST API logging.

  • MDM-7592: Missing validation to detect a stepper with a reference selection using the dialog but with not collection configured.

  • MDM-7600: Inherited Enrichers and validations are not available in a stepper using the child entity.

  • MDM-7613: Application fails to load if a reference component type is used in a form or table with an incompatible value type.

  • MDM-7636: Upgrading from version 3.x a business object view with a transition named like the root entity creates two tabs with the same name, making the upgraded model invalid.

  • MDM-7639: A SemQL condition using the regex_like function fails to run with a function regexp_like(text, unknown) does not exist error.

Version 4.4.1

Known issues

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5682: Flex wrapping does not work correctly in Safari

  • MDM-5723: Browsing an entity with a special character in the ID fails with an HTTP-500 Internal Server Error.

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be on the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7449: Navigating through an embedded collection in a business view when browsing the Masters view fails with an <entity name> with id …​ not found error. As a workaround, use a visibility condition using the ViewType = 'GD' built-in attribute to hide such a collection for the Masters view.

  • MDM-7472: Infinite loading when navigating child record from a tab when browsing a record in error.

  • MDM-7609: With PostgreSQL, a binding (named query or search parameter, model or platform variable) of type UUID or timestamp used in a SemQL condition similar to BINDING is null and BINDING = <value> fails with a BadSqlGrammarException. This issue is due to a known PostgreSQL JDBC Driver bug. Customers facing this issue must consider upgrading their PostgreSQL driver to the latest released version.

  • MDM-7634: When using the API to find possible matches, enrichers using FDN attributes fail to run with an Enricher …​ is not usable in this context fault. As a workaround, use the FID attributes in the enrichers.

  • MDM-7697: Search types are displayed with incorrect labels in the global search configuration. 'Full-text' search appears as 'TEXT_1'.

  • MDM-7774: Model export and model documentation export fail for large models on Firefox and Chrome. This issue seems to be caused by a change in these browsers' support for "pushed" download. As a workaround, add the -Dcom.semarchy.displayDownloadLink=true property to the application server environment to have a download link appear on the export dialogs. Click this link to download the model and documentation exports.

  • MDM-7797: Merge or Split fails if an Entity has a Complex Attribute using a Complex Type that has no Definition Attribute

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-7675: Welcome page always displays a vertical scrollbar

  • MDM-7689: Markdown headings wrap and overlap due to a small line height

  • MDM-7728: Backslash characters are incorrectly removed from the code when generating SQL from SemQL

  • MDM-7737: Plugin installation fails on PostgreSQL with an Error while converting object log entry

  • MDM-7742: Reduced heading font size for Markdown component

  • MDM-7744: Custom search forms should focus on the first search field even for non-text fields

  • MDM-7749: Inherited enrichers and validations are not available for stepper validations and triggers

  • MDM-7762: A named query executed on a golden record returns its masters without the PublisherID and SourceID attributes

  • MDM-7766: Workflow notification NextTaskAssigneeName property returns the username instead of firstName + lastName

  • MDM-7776: Empty validation dialog appears when a duplicate is detected on a step transition

  • MDM-7777: Loading a date field using the REST API fails with Expecting one of the following types for expression xxx (of type DATE) but got LocalDate

  • MDM-7798: Persisting a record twice in the same load can generate an error with multiple concurrent calls

  • MDM-7799: Building a large application model is very slow

  • MDM-7804: Integration batches remain pending until the Tomcat server is restarted

Version 4.4.2

Known issues

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5682: Flex wrapping does not work correctly in Safari

  • MDM-5723: Browsing an entity with a special character in the ID fails with an HTTP-500 Internal Server Error.

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be on the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7449: Navigating through an embedded collection in a business view when browsing the Masters view fails with an <entity name> with id …​ not found error. As a workaround, use a visibility condition using the ViewType = 'GD' built-in attribute to hide such a collection for the Masters view.

  • MDM-7472: Infinite loading when navigating child record from a tab when browsing a record in error.

  • MDM-7634: When using the API to find possible matches, enrichers using FDN attributes fail to run with an Enricher …​ is not usable in this context fault. As a workaround, use the FID attributes in the enrichers.

  • MDM-7697: Search types are displayed with incorrect labels in the global search configuration. 'Full-text' search appears as 'TEXT_1'.

  • MDM-7774: Model export and model documentation export fail for large models on Firefox and Chrome. This issue seems to be caused by a change in these browsers' support for "pushed" download. As a workaround, add the -Dcom.semarchy.displayDownloadLink=true property to the application server environment to have a download link appear on the export dialogs. Click this link to download the model and documentation exports.

  • MDM-7797: Merge or Split fails if an Entity has a Complex Attribute using a Complex Type that has no Definition Attribute

New Features

  • MDM-6116: Support for Tomcat 9

  • MDM-8086: The REST API calls are now made stateless on the server-side to reduce resource consumption. To revert to the previous stateful behavior, set the following system property on the server startup command: -Dcom.semarchy.xdm.rest.statelessEnabled=false.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-7543: Label length unexpected changes in the tabs of the filtering of documentation sidenav.

  • MDM-7609: With PostgreSQL, a binding (named query or search parameter, model or platform variable) of type UUID or timestamp used in a SemQL condition similar to BINDING is null and BINDING = <value> fails with a BadSqlGrammarException. This issue is due to a known PostgreSQL JDBC Driver bug. Customers facing this issue should upgrade their PostgreSQL driver to the latest released version.

  • MDM-7820: The override icon still appears on a form field hidden by a SemQL condition.

  • MDM-7821: The hierarchy tree does not appear correctly if a record ID contains one of the following characters: \?.|&^()[]+*.

  • MDM-7826: A model edition switch causes 100% CPU usage and fails for large data hubs.

  • MDM-7869: A stepper trigger using a PostgreSQL function fails to run with a bad SQL grammar error.

  • MDM-7874: Using the Fediz wrapper, role mapping is not called for a previously authenticated session.

  • MDM-7883: Filtering sidenav unexpectedly scrolls goes back to top with user-defined search forms.

  • MDM-7995: Built-in search on source error records fails on PostgreSQL and returns No Match Found.

  • MDM-8050: A SemQL argument of a procedure step trigger raises a validation error even if the SemQL expression is valid.

  • MDM-8058: A date computed attribute appears empty in the form.

  • MDM-8076: A reference picker in a step returns no record if referring twice in its filter to the same record attribute.

  • MDM-8101: A named query returns only once all the children records of a related record.

Version 4.4.3

Known issues

  • MDM-5585: Data Export does not work on Safari.

  • MDM-5682: Flex wrapping does not work correctly in Safari

  • MDM-7254: With PostgreSQL, the application server hosting the Semarchy xDM instance and the database server must be on the same timezone to avoid inconsistent dates in the integration loads.

  • MDM-7449: Navigating through an embedded collection in a business view when browsing the Masters view fails with an <entity name> with id …​ not found error. As a workaround, use a visibility condition using the ViewType = 'GD' built-in attribute to hide such a collection for the Masters view.

  • MDM-7472: Infinite loading when navigating child record from a tab when browsing a record in error.

  • MDM-7634: When using the API to find possible matches, enrichers using FDN attributes fail to run with an Enricher …​ is not usable in this context fault. As a workaround, use the FID attributes in the enrichers.

  • MDM-7697: Search types are displayed with incorrect labels in the global search configuration. 'Full-text' search appears as 'TEXT_1'.

  • MDM-7774: Model export and model documentation export fail for large models on Firefox and Chrome. This issue seems to be caused by a change in these browsers' support for "pushed" download. As a workaround, add the -Dcom.semarchy.displayDownloadLink=true property to the application server environment to have a download link appear on the export dialogs. Click this link to download the model and documentation exports.

  • MDM-7797: Merge or Split fails if an Entity has a Complex Attribute using a Complex Type that has no Definition Attribute

New Features

  • MDM-8214: New Usage Limit parameter for the Google Maps Enricher limits the number of requests per second.

Bug Fixes

  • MDM-7930: Table collection cells for which the value does not fit appear only with the '…​' string.

  • MDM-7993: Purging the logs with a filter based on the date fail with a SQL exception with PostgreSQL.

  • MDM-8103: A stepper fails to save a record with an Unable to Persist Record error if this record uses a generated ID based on its parent record ID.

  • MDM-8141: Image stored in image libraries named with spaces cannot be accessed.

  • MDM-8229: Truncated tab labels in the field documentation side nav.

Version 4.4 Rev 1
Last updated 2018-09-10 13:07:59 UTC

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