During development, it's common to want to remove all data from a data location in order to reload it. Use cases:
- Matching or Consolidation rules have changed, and you want to apply those changes.
- Hard-deleting all the data from the data location.
Generate truncate statements in Oracle like this:
Truncate Data Location Tables
select 'truncate table MY_SCHEMA.' || table_name || ';' as generated_statements from all_tables where owner = 'MY_SCHEMA' /* set this to your data location schema */ and table_name not like 'DL_%' /* do not truncate these system tables */ and table_name not like 'EXT_%' /* do not truncate these system tables */ and table_name like '%STORE' /* edit these filters as needed */ order by substr(table_name,3), table_name;
It will give you runnable SQL like this:
Truncate statements
truncate table EXT_INT_RDM.GD_STORE; truncate table EXT_INT_RDM.GE_STORE; truncate table EXT_INT_RDM.GI_STORE; truncate table EXT_INT_RDM.MD_STORE; truncate table EXT_INT_RDM.MI_STORE; truncate table EXT_INT_RDM.SD_STORE; truncate table EXT_INT_RDM.SE_STORE;
Generate truncate statements in PostgreSQL:
Truncate Data Location Tables for Postgres
select 'truncate table my_schema.' || tablename || ';' as generated_statements from pg_catalog.pg_tables where schemaname = 'my_schema' /* set this to your data location schema */ and tablename not like 'dl_%' /* do not truncate these system tables */ and tablename not like 'ext_%' /* do not truncate these system tables */ and tablename like '%ENTITYNAME' /* edit these filters as needed */ order by substr(tablename,3), tablename;
This technique only removes the data, but does not remove the data structures (tables). For that purpose, you must drop the data location. This is great when you really want to start completely fresh, but you must use this option carefully. This is done from the Data Locations tab in the workbench.
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