Deep Copy hierarchies in v4
Deep Copy hierarchies in v4
Customer wants to copy a hierarchy and therefore needs a "deep copy" functionality.
Examples of customer request: "can you copy a entity with its children? Replicate a hierachy?" and SUPPORT-4410 (related: MDM-6369)
This can be achieved using PL/SQL.
deep copy PL/SQL sample
create or replace procedure perform_deep_copy(p_loadid number) as v_root number; v_copied_from_root number; v_hierarchy_type varchar2(40); v_credate timestamp(3); v_creator varchar2(128); begin /* re-adjust the parent root node */ update SA_NODE set F_ROOT_NODE = ID where B_LOADID = p_loadid and IS_ROOT = '1' ; /* 1. get the root node being copied in the current load */ select ID, B_COPIEDFROM, HIERARCHY_TYPE, B_CREDATE, B_CREATOR into v_root, v_copied_from_root, v_hierarchy_type, v_credate, v_creator from SA_NODE where B_LOADID = p_loadid and IS_ROOT = '1' ; /* 2. copy all child nodes from the copied_from_root nodes */ insert into SA_NODE ( B_LOADID, B_CLASSNAME, B_CREDATE, B_CREATOR, ID, HIERARCHY_TYPE, NAME, DESCRIPTION, IS_ROOT, F_ROOT_NODE, F_PARENT, B_COPIEDFROM, F_CUSTOMER, F_FACILITY, F_OMU) select p_loadid, 'Node', v_credate, v_creator, SEQ_NODE.NEXTVAL, v_hierarchy_type, NAME, DESCRIPTION, IS_ROOT, v_root, F_PARENT, ID, F_CUSTOMER, F_FACILITY, F_OMU from GD_NODE where nvl(IS_ROOT, '0') = '0' and F_ROOT_NODE = v_copied_from_root ; /* 3. change the parent to reflect the new parent */ merge into SA_NODE T using ( select C.ID, P.ID F_NEW_PARENT from SA_NODE C inner join SA_NODE P on (C.F_PARENT = P.B_COPIEDFROM) where C.B_LOADID = p_loadid and P.B_LOADID = p_loadid and nvl(C.IS_ROOT, '0') = '0' ) S on (S.ID = T.ID) when matched then update set T.F_PARENT = S.F_NEW_PARENT ; end;