WebLogic repository connection problem

WebLogic repository connection problem


Unable to connect to SEMARCHY_REPOSITORY in WebLogic.

The initial login screen displays correctly. Enter the semadmin credentials.

Expected result

Semarchy prompts with a message about needing a valid license.

Actual result

A window displays the message "Impossible to connect to the repository" with the following details:
javax.naming.LinkException: [Root exception is javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: While trying to lookup 'jdbc.SEMARCHY_REPOSITORY'
+- While trying to lookup 'jdbc.SEMARCHY_REPOSITORY' didn't find the subcontext 'jdbc'. Resolved ''

Additional details:

This was experienced in WebLogic 12.1.3 and Semarchy Convergence for MDM 3.2.1, but it does not appear to be tightly linked to these version numbers.


Restart WebLogic.

Yes... this is an unsatisfying solution. But it works in a noticeable number of situations.

Note that this happens even though the JNDI name is correctly set asĀ "jdbc/SEMARCHY_REPOSITORY", permissions are set correctly, and the data source is correctly deployed to the same target that Semarchy is deployed to.

Even this random guy on Stackoverflow includes "Restart Weblogic. I find that data sources sometimes need this before they become visible to application code." as part of his WebLogic datasource deployment steps. It's not just us.

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