The PDE Log
The PDE Log
The PDE Log provides lots of details (ERRORs, WARNings, INFOrmation) about what's going on in Semarchy xDM. It's configurable to provide more or less detail, and it's an invaluable troubleshooting tool.
Open the PDE Log:
- In xDM 4.4 and earlier:
- Open the Workbench
- Menu: Windows -> Show View... -> Error Log
- In xDM 5.0 and later:
- Open the Application Builder
- Menu: <Username> -> Error Log
To Export the PDE Log:
- Click the button Export Log in this view and download the log export.
- Alternative: see below for details about the location of this file on the server.
Please delete the contents of the PDE Log first. Then reproduce the issue that you are facing. Then export and send the log to the support team.
For users with access to the application server you can find the same PDE log in a location like this one (the exact path may differ based on your configuration, and files are usually hidden, make sure to use the ls command with the -a flag: ls -a):
- <tomcat-home>/work/Catalina/localhost/semarchy/eclipse/workspace/.metadata/.log
- <tomcat-home>/work/Catalina/localhost/semarchy/eclipse/workspace/.metadata/.bak_0.log
Trivia: PDE stands for Plug-in Development Environment and is used because the Semarchy xDM workbench is based on Eclipse RAP.
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